Chapter 5 | I'm Not Waiting For Her

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Mihori's eyes widened as he nodded to her words. Her hands wrapped around his as the tears began to slowly fall down her face once more, this time, she didn't bother to hide them. She brought him into a small hug, his head resting in the crook of her neck as she cried. Izuku could do nothing but hold onto her. 

He felt like this was the best option for him..., for some reason, he felt like he'd be nothing but a burden to his mother. He didn't remember her, he didn't even feel like he was related to her. He'd been shown pictures of her..., but she was just, so unfamiliar to him.

"Izuku, I'm going to take care of you ok? I'll do my best, I promise." She told him, her voice quivering with every word. Izuku nodded as he sighed softly. He closed his eyes briefly, breathing in her scent to calm himself down. Without Mihori, he'd truly have nothing.


It took a few more days until the doctor's decided he was ready to be discharged. They mentioned that his mother would later be here to pick him up, but he wasn't going to wait for her. He felt like it would be too much on the both of them. He was now able to walk with ease, his leg's no longer collapsed in on themselves now that he's got more practice. Feeling no pain, meant he could hardly even tell if he was walking properly or bending his legs too far. It was a very awkward process at the start.

Mihori still visited him consistently, refusing to leave his side at most points. He figured that she probably worked during the day, so she couldn't visit him at normal hours. It made sense, since she probably wouldn't have so willingly have decided to take him in if she didn't have a job...

Izuku returned to his hospital room, he felt a bit sad to leave the place behind. He'd been here ever since he'd woken up..., the doctors, nurses, and even Mihori had stayed by his side throughout it all..., he figured it'd be difficult to return here after Mihori takes him in..., he'd be deemed a "Run away" or possibly even kidnapped.

Mihori had brought him some proper clothes after finding out his new size from the doctors. He'd grown over a foot taller throughout his coma. They said it was probably the result of his body trying to restabilize  itself. It's also the reason why learning to walk again took so much longer.

All in all, he's probably been in this hospital for over a year and three months. He'd been in a coma for a whole year, the doctor's were actually surprised it didn't take longer.

As he fully dressed himself, wrapping a bright yellow scarf around his neck to hide the hideous scar that had formed, he laid down on the bed and looked out the window. The hospital was right at the center of the city, there was always a lot of noise, even at night. It was hard to get peace, but it was better than being in the middle of nowhere. He's more entertained while looking out the window than he'd of been just looking out at fields of grass and nothingness.

As he looked out the window, he noticed a newscast on one of the large screens displayed along a building. Something another about a hero rescuing citizens. Something pulled at his chest, it didn't really hurt, especially since he can no longer feel pain..., but it was uncomfortable. He couldn't help but wonder if it was something to do with his past. If he'd been in an accident similar to that..., or maybe it was something else, possibly just that the hero looked familiar. 

He watched the newscast for a moment more, instead, turning his head toward the TV in his room, deciding it wouldn't hurt to watch TV for once. He'd always simply ignored it since all the hero worship was mildly annoying to him.

As soon as he turned the TV on, a sense of familiarity hit him like a bag of bricks. He couldn't actually recognize the man, but he felt strange as he saw the name "All Might" written in the lower section of the cast. 

- Japan's number one hero rescuing yet another victim and taking out a well known villain. This villain ha-

Izuku simply sighed as he listened to it. This name was something familiar, yet also incredibly unfamiliar to him..., he couldn't help but think he knew the man before he'd ended up in a coma. That didn't make much sense though, how could someone like him, his was well known for being quirkless, know the number one hero. He sighed softly and turned off the TV once again, deciding to ignore the creeping headache that was about to form.

A knock gently hit the door to his hospital room and he got his things ready. He draped a deep red jacket that Mihori had brought for him over his shoulders and grabbed the little bag she'd placed at the edge of the bed. As the door opened, he found himself waiting to leave this place and explore the world he'd only been able to see through the window's of his hospital room. Sure there was also outside in the garden, but he was more focused on the plants and little moths in the grass than anything else.

Mihori met him at the door, a face mask on and her short hair in a small ponytail on the back of her head. She looked more like a man like this for some reason, he didn't know how to feel about that, it was like she was intentionally hiding her identity, but at the same time, he knew that what she was doing was considered "Illegal". He felt bad for putting her through this, but he couldn't go with that woman everyone told him was his mother.

"Izu, we have to leave quickly, your mother will be here any moment. We can't bump into her." Mihori whispered to him as she grabbed the bag and threw it over her shoulder. She brought an arm along his back and hurried him out of the hospital room out into the hallway, quickly guiding him out of the building without daring to go to the reception.

Izuku had a gnawing feeling at the back of his head, he even thought he saw someone familiar for a moment, but ignored it. He didn't want to bother with anything other than focusing on getting out of here.

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