Chapter 9 | The Little Bookstore

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

As a couple of days began to pass, he'd started hearing his name on a few news channels from time to time. He'd been considered "Kidnapped" instead of a runaway. Fortunately, they didn't suspect Mihori even though she was the last one seen with him in the hospital.

Something told him that the hospital staff kept that information to themselves. It might just be because his mother never once came to the hospital to care for him, and instead some random woman did. The staff there had grown fairly attached to him, he kind of felt bad leaving without even saying goodbye, one of these days he'll have to go back there, but it'd be awhile, he needs to wait until the police declare him dead, it should only be about a month for that to happen, but even then, there's a chance that his mother might keep the search for him going.

The thought was kind of funny, to him, he just felt like a burden to her, someone who he doesn't even know. 

As Mihori was no longer here, he decided to dress comfortably in a pair of black sweats and a deep red hoodie, he didn't bother fixing up his hair and wrapped his usual scarf around his neck to hide his scar. Out of all of the scarves he's found, the one Mihori had given him was probably his favorite, it was the same color as her eyes, so he didn't really like the idea of switching to another one.

After completely getting ready, snagging an energy drink from Mihori's fridge along the way, he headed down the stairs slowly and down to the main floor of the apartment, sneaking out the side door and into the little alleyway where a bunch of back doors for each of the shops and buildings sat. The staff didn't really like it when they went through these doors, but Mihori told him not to care about that and to just do it anyway. So while thinking about that, he headed to the little bookshop that got next to no customer's on a daily basis, it was where he was able to learn things for free, even the store owner doesn't bother showing up on most days and leaves his daughter to take care of the place in his stead, so Izuku regularly gets free access to the place as long as he gives the girl money for the arcade, which really only added up to two thousand yen.

As Izuku placed a little knock on the back door, a small, poorly dressed girl opened the door and stared up at him, she held out her hand and he handed over the small two thousand yen bill. She looked at him smugly and stepped aside, happy about making money from both work and from a poor kid who just likes to read without buying anything.

"Why do you keep coming here anyway? Can't you just go down to the library?" The small girl questioned as she readily grabbed her things and stuffed the cash into her shorts' pocket.

Izuku simply shook his head as he headed further into the little book store. 

"Man, why are you always so quiet! You're so boring..." The girl whined as she crossed her arms and stared up at him. Izuku looked down at her and considered his options for a few seconds, he simply shrugged and shook his head. The girl sighed, her hands placed on each of her hips.

"You're very stubborn..." She commented as she grabbed the keys and tossed them to him. "Whatever, I'm going to the arcade with a few of my friends, I'll be back in a few hours, make sure you lock the doors if you leave." The girl told him, happily leaving the dust filled bookstore in Izuku's hands.

Izuku watched as she left through the front door, finding a small stool in the corner of the bookstore and taking a seat amidst the books, this place really needed to be cleaned up, but the bookstore owner was already a fairly old man, and the girl wasn't in the slightest bit interested in cleaning up her father's store. (By the way, the young girl is thirteen years old, Izuku is young, but he still considers her as a kid. -He's fifteen at the moment-)

He dusted off the few books he felt like reading, he wasn't all that interested in getting dust all over the clothes Mihori had bought him, that just didn't feel right to him. 

Throughout the few days that he's been with Mihori, he's been here the most, he's actually learned quite a few things from the books in here, a lot of the hero nonsense that people know today were a lot different in the past, according to a couple of the books in here, heroes were originally known as simple Vigilantes, criminals to the law, but heroes to the people, it was the same today, however being a hero became an actual career. For some reason, every time he read about vigilantes and heroes, a small tug pulled at his chest and it made him feel a bit concerned about his health. He couldn't feel pain anymore, so the fact that he was feeling anything meant that it'd probably be very painful if he could.

Izuku read for two hours and not a single customer came in, he felt bad for the old man that owned this place, his wallet was probably worse for ware at this point. It made him feel bad that he never bought anything either. To be fair though, the two thousand yen that he gives the girl is practically his daily allowance as is, so he can't really go anywhere else or buy anything else. Plus, a lot of the books here cost more than two thousand yen.

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