Chapter 14 | A Go Bag

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

When Izuku noticed that the sun had risen, he slowly stood from the seat, stretching out his body and cringing at the pops that came from his back, almost similar to the old bookstore owner. He didn't like the sound. He swept the two books into his arms and slowly walked down the aisle of the train and to the old rusted door. He slid it open once again and climbed down the ladder, hopping off the last step and onto the solid rocky ground.

The sun was just barely up, it was still pretty dark out in the woods, but he wasn't all that worried about wild animals. He was in a pretty populated city, there weren't many wild animals around, aside from maybe boars or deer. But boars tend to be skittish around humans and only attack when they feel threatened, or so he'd read...

He slowly walked through the path he'd created in the woods, his feet often dragged, so it was easy to track his steps back. He'd have to get more used to walking and using his body so he doesn't leave such an obvious trail when he's on the run. It kind of defeats the point of a secret hideout when there's a clear path to where he's hidden.

Izuku found his way through the woods, noticing that when he isn't running without a thought, it was a bit longer of a walk than he'd expected. Once he finally reached the outskirts of the woods that came out a block or so away from the little park, he slipped out and behind a building, hoping not to catch any attention to himself as he made it back to Mihori's. He really hoped that no police were there, it wouldn't be pleasant for him to run into an officer while in his current state. Especially now that he looked so disheveled after not only falling and covering himself in dirt, but also staying up all night, he had pretty dark circles under his eyes. He just couldn't feel the tiredness, he'd probably end up keeling over at some point though.

It took a few minutes to get back to the back alley that lead to the back entrance of the bookstore and to the main road where Mihori's apartment branched off of. He looked around, noticing that there weren't any police, it didn't really make sense that there were none around. At this point, it was pretty likely that they found something and brought Mihori in. He sighed internally as he slowly made it to her apartment's door and tried the handle, noticing that it was unlocked. He looked around the area, still no sign of police, she might have intentionally left in unlocked so he could get in. On the other hand, it could also have been the police setting some kind of trap.

He slowly opened the door, looking around the small weirdly laid out apartment and crept inside. Noticing that there wasn't anything out of place inside. A few of Mihori's things were thrown around, meaning they'd probably been looking for anything, even a hair of his. But, he'd noticed after he'd come out of the coma, that even after brushing his hair, not even a single strand came out, it was like brushing through wire, even though his hair was still as soft and curly as ever...

He crouched next to the couch, pulling the cushions aside and digging into the wooden frame, slowly pulling out a black duffle bag they'd hidden in case something like this happened, Mihori called it his 'Go' bag. He walked toward the tv stand and pushed aside a couple old movies, grabbing a couple of his hidden notebooks and stuffing them into the duffle bag. He looked around the apartment, slightly disappointed that he couldn't stay with Mihori longer. They'd definitely see each other again, it's just that it'd take quite some time. She'd know he was here though, his go bag and Jacket would be gone by the time she got back, his notebooks as well, at least, the one's he'd actually written in would be.

He looked around once more, a small idea popping in his head. One way she'd definitely know he'd been here. A smile pulled at his stitches as he trudged over to the fridge, opening it up and throwing nearly all of her energy drinks into his duffle bag. He silently snickered to himself as he closed the fridge, slowly making his way to the door and out. He left it unlocked as she had done, finding his way out of the apartment building as quick as his legs allowed. 

All that was left, was bringing all of this stuff back to the rail yard. Izuku made his way out of the alley, stopping suddenly as he noticed a certain pink haired girl slowly making her way into the old book store. Their eyes met and as she noticed the large black duffle bag sitting in his arms, a look of realization hit her face. 

"Are you running away?" Mai asked. Izuku walked up to her, patting her on the head as he went to walk out of the alley, unfortunately for him though, she pulled on his dirty shirt, keeping him from walking any further.

"You're still going to come to work right? My dad would be pissed if you up and disappeared without telling him." She told him. Izuku looked down at her, she realized what she'd said after his look and choked. Izuku could only inwardly sigh and let a small hidden smile pull at his stitches. He wasn't sure how to communicate with her yet, Mihori and him have gotten used to small grunts and nods, he'd also make certain faces or if he wanted to actually say something, he'd simply write it down. But in Mai's case, the only way he could really talk to her was through writing, and he wasn't about to pull out all the energy drinks and such he'd thrown on top of his journals.

Izuku could only nod at her question, she looked confused for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "So, where are you going?" She asked him. Izuku thought for a couple seconds before pulling on her arm and tilting her head, motioning for her to come with him. It takes quite a bit to get there, but he figured it'd be a welcome change for her to just leave the bookstore closed. It was a Monday anyway, Mondays don't bring in even a single customer. Plus, he'd let the old man know that she was with him.

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