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Two and a half years ago


There is darkness, and you subconsciously savour each and every second. Savouring that empty memory, the quiet. But even with a hollow mind, you know that it only lasts so long.

Patterns form behind your eyelids, eyes finally adjusting and it is at this second that everything floods back in. They remain closed, even when you are positive you have returned.

Immediate despair weighs down on you the second you become conscious. All the memories, the pain, the ending. Good reminders that you have failed yet again.

You part your eyes slowly, unable to remember even what day it is there, but that is far from important. At the ceiling you stare, you have not seen it for years, though you only went to sleep last night. It feels as if you have been plunged into an ice-cold sea in the Antarctic ocean. As you fixate on the wall, it takes a good while to shake yourself from the daze.

'I am worthless,' you cry to yourself, finally sitting up in your bed and having broken out of your trance. No tears actually come out yet, as you are still in shock.

'Why can't I do something good?'

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now