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"Well then, won't you come inside~?"

You blink, relieved that the joker has stayed put. "You are awake, and still here."

Rascal giggles unnervingly, then entangles himself and leaps into a backflip. "And you are standing outside in this cold weather! If you keep talking to me from here you wouldn't want your neighbours to start thinking the same thing just your little friend did!"

Shaking your head, you unfreeze and enter through the door as the joker steps aside for you to do so. But unfortunately you feel that your cheeks are bright red and hot. He used the word 'dearie' again! You attempt to hide your fluster as you walk into the kitchen to dump your bags down on the bench.

"Well my little friend is currently playing detective Sam trying to figure out what happened the night you showed up."

You turn around to see the joker standing before you.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions yourself~," Rascal lifts a finger to his chin, pretending to be deep in thought, "let me guess, you are wondering why you are able to remember and not her?"

You stare at him, and it is like the jester can read your thoughts, but you shrug it off, leaning back into the kitchen bench top with a frown. "I am more curious as to how long you slept. Last time you were awake, you really were not yourself."

"I have to say," he hums, "I did catch up on my beauty rest~ Upon making a recovery, I also made a miraculous discovery!'  You watch as the jester clicks his fingers, and this summons a string of cards to soar right at you, and constrict around your waist.

The sudden action makes you gasp. Then you look up at the joker, wincing as the cards tighten further. "You got your powers and energy back?"

"Barely~" he pouts for dramatic effect, "but enough to keep a few tricks up my sleeve~"

Now the cards are beginning to really dig into your waist so much that it begins aching. "That's good Rascal," you gasp for air again, unable to even breathe, "Ah! – T-the cards!"

With a chuckle and quick click of his fingers, you breathe a sigh of relief as the cards release then fade away.

"What do you mean barely? Are you sure you are feeling better? You looked...like...you were –  "

"- I've never felt better!~" The joker cuts you off, "You know my negative energy levels are never going to be the same since I'm not in my original universe."

You watch as he stands there with a hand on his hip. The joker says he is fine, but last night was quite bad and confusing. He looked sick even. But Rascal remains persistent and you brush it off. Perhaps he is just mentally drained.

So are you, and you go to plop yourself onto the couch.

Rascal gives a hum, you watch as you floats over. "Busy day dearie?"

"You could say that again," you respond with a sigh, but then pause when a familiar heat crosses your cheeks at the nickname, "...except for the last part."

The jester positions himself on the other side of the couch to face you. He hums, and giggles again. "Dearie? And why might that be~?"

You look away. "I guess because things are different now, and besides, what is most important is getting you back."

There is a silence. The two of you look at each other until you are hit with a realisation.

"Oh wait," you sigh and rub your face, "Nogo destroyed anything and everything didn't he? All because of me. There really is nothing to go back to." You bring your knees to your chest and curl into a discouraged ball. "I know that the reason you are here in the first place is because of me. I know that I also caused you so much pain and suffering; turning from Nogo and his ways, finding out about Euphoria. And now that you have found me I am even more helpless than before. I'm so sorry."

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now