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TW: There's some talk of universes and whatnot so this is a derealisation warning just in case 


"Why did I have vision of Nogo? Why after all these years?"

The sun rises and you lay in bed staring blankly at the beige ceiling for a few hours now, talking with the jester while he sits patiently with you.

"I don't know~" He frowns, voice full of regret. "From what you told me, it seems he is after my energy." The jester pauses, a visible anger growing behind his eyes. "I owe you an apology dearie, for dragging you into this chaotic mess."

You have dissociated through countless apologies from the jester now, your mind simply cannot comprehend what has just happened, if it is even real, and what it means for your wellbeing if it is.

Are my visions back? The horrifying thought probes you. When Nogo flew through you, did he really give you back your curse? Or was last night just a one off? He did say that you were going to pay. You do not think you have the strength to go through all that again. All the pain, the panic, the power-fell.

"Are you sure this really your universe (y/n)?~" Rascal hums.

"I don't think it's that simple remember?" You tell him. "Like I said yesterday morning, our decisions are what shift us into our own paths. I guess this would be considered a 'new path' or 'new universe.' We both aren't in our original realities...and I don't think we will be again."

While your own words put you in a head spin, Rascal bites the inside of his cheek. "I suppose that makes sense... and it would take an awful lot of power to reverse everything."

Eventually, you push yourself up into a sitting position to face the joker.

"I-I'm usually so good with pulling myself into action! I swear." You state, becoming slightly anxious. "I'm trying so hard to wrap my head around this, but when I returned to this reality, I thought I left everything else in the past!"

Rascal looks at you with a frown, his eyebrows knit together and he keeps his eyes low.

"We can focus on the problem at hand first if you'd prefer. He wants my energy," the joker reminds you, "I'll just give it to him~. I'm so close to ending this chaos once and for all ~ You don't deserve to go through so much once again."

"No," you firmly tell him, "if we give Nogo what he wants, then...," you trail off, shuddering at the thought, "there's no telling what he's capable of doing. Besides, even if you did give him your energy, there's no telling whether he would take everything away for me afterwards. We have to be smart."

"Fine~," Rascal says, adopting a new tone of resignation. "So what now? I barely have the strength to use my telekinesis powers or teleport further than a block and you have..well..no powers ~ Together we're just a human and a circus clown. I don't think this is a fair fight."

"Yeah," you sigh, "the only ones who can canonically defeat Nogo are, the glitter force."

The jester gives a scowl.

"I know you aren't too fond of them," you say, suddenly remembering something, "but you should have seen them during the war. I was about to be crushed by Nogo– god it sounds silly saying this in a universe where all of this only exists on TV – and they said they understood how it was our job to defeat them. Nothing personal."

"Yes, nothing personal at all ~until they brought up my pixie form."

You stifle a giggle and Rascal enjoys the entertainment this provides you.

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now