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Hey I am so sorry it's been like forever since I updated. I promise I'm still going to get out as much as I can - I have so many ideas and scenarios planned and this is motivating me, along with you guys too <3


Just for one lingering moment you feel your body fall a victim to this familiarity; the joker's touch.

The jester's eyes dart around desperately to meet yours as he kneels in front of you down on the floor, but everything is a blur as tears relentlessly spill down your cheeks. The same ones that Rascal once planted his sweet kisses upon, ones that rubbed against his own. So many intimate moments you have shared with him – heck – this joker has seen you at your worst, held onto you as you passed. The two of you were powerfully connected. But right now you are at a great loss for words. You do not want to say the wrong thing. The millions of questions that pour into your head, becomes so though provoking that they begin to mix dangerously with the rampant thoughts, searching for answers here and there. They race hungrily around in your brain. Ones that wonder how it is even possible that the jester is even here, or ones curious as to how you are supposed to react, to tell him what is going on and to tell him that you are no longer a part of his world.

You never were.

Everything about this moment hurts. The sadness, the shock, the memories and of course if this is not all in your head and if this is real, then there is of course the guilt. So much guilt, though you indulge in the way the joker wraps his white clothed arms around you, the belt around his shoulders pressing lightly into your chest as he does so.

So when you leap to wrap your own arms around his neck, his hair brushes beneath your tightly wound arms. You have missed it, have not felt it in years and every ounce of you wants to scream it, to tell him how much you have missed him.

All the while Rascal just sits there with you, you know he knows how much of a shock this must be, so he comforts you in silence.

For a while the two of you stay like that, and then when all the tears have been let out, you pull away from him, looking the jester right in the eye, but still no words form.

"What is it dearie?~" He whispers, stroking his fingers slowly along your jaw. This action along with the hum of his voice produce goose bumps to form down your spine.

Gingerly you reach your hand to what is left of his mask, slipping a finger under and the joker allows you to take it off. The other beautiful orange eye is revealed, though when you still do not say a thing they both drop.

Suddenly his touch becomes distant. The sparks are gone and it is like he has switched off cold. The joker watches you intensely, knowing there is something he has missed this whole time, something so mind-blowing, so secretive that there is now little to no empathy left on his face. Rascal knows that something is wrong here, he has for a while now. He can sense your guilt.

"We need to talk." You swallow, still staring straight at the joker.

"Yes I think that's a good idea!" He stands up, with the help of the end of the bed. It is clear that what little negative energy he obtained is already running out.

You lead Rascal out of your room, with your arms clenched tightly before your chest, anxious as to what will come of this conversation.

You collapse onto the living room couch, in front of the opened doors to your balcony, providing a splitting image of the city lights. The breeze is so cold you need to force your shoulders to unclench and stop shaking.

The joker takes the other side. "So magic bearer, do tell!~"

You take a breath. "This is not your world Rascal."

He leans forward, closer to you with narrowed eyes.

He does not say anything so you continue.

"And Ilusan, the Shadow Realm, the Dungeons...were not mine." You feel as if you are about to be sick, or faint...or both. "This is my world. It always has been."

"What are you talking about~!?" Rascal spits, eyebrows furrowing and mouth turning down.

Shakily, you force yourself to meet his eye, feeling your own tear rimmed and red. This next one is going to be the hardest to admit. Who knows what he will do, how he will react, but most of this is your responsibility, so you take the biggest breath in, then out, then it all spills from your mouth.

"I am not a magic bearer, or an illusionist. I am not magical whatsoever, and this is where I live and have lived my entire life." You voice is dangerously close to breaking. "You are from a different reality to mine Rascal, one that I selfishly used to escape from my own boring life, I grew up again. Here the Glitter Force do not exist in the same way than it does in your world." Then you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear for him to see, "I am a human, but I scripted a whole other life for myself where I was not."

The jester's eyes could not be wider and his scowl could not be harsher. It pierces your soul as you continue. "I never was dying, I was being pulled back into my own world because I had stayed too long. All that happened in your reality was only overnight in mine, but that doesn't mean it wasn't real! I don't know how you're here right now, none of this should be possible and I don't understand – "

"You don't understand!?~" The jester shrieks, "I don't know what to think of any of this myself~! What do you mean!? I grew up with you! You were always there!" Panic is now strewn all over Rascal's face, betrayal, anger and confusion too. He lifts his hands to the sides of his face. "You have to be telling lies! This has to be a dream!~"

"Not a dream," you frown with watery eyes, shaking your head. "I am so sorry Rascal." 

"You tricked me!~"

"Ah!" A sudden strong force is placed on your shoulders, and it slams you down against the couch. With a pounding heart you look up at the scarlet red pulsating eyes raging down at you.

"ARGH! What are you SAYING!? You knew all along!~ It means you KNEW what was going to happen! It doesn't MAKE SENSE~!!!~"

"No I didn't!" You cry breathlessly, his pressure that was once nothing to you now grapples at your bones like a tons of bricks on top of your chest. Even his knees dig into your sides. You can't call out for help.

Rascal is suffocating you.

Then a tear rolls down the side of your face as you attempt to get the next words out. "I scripted to forget. I promise Rascal I knew nothing, nothing about you or myself. I did grow up with you." You have never seen him this angry before, not since Nogo. But there is no escape as he bears his fangs and devil-like eyes right at you.

You wince, feeling your shoulders and ribs ache dangerously. "I know how you must feel," you wheeze, "I hope it helps when I say that everything I felt towards you was real, it was so real...no tricks...I loved you..." at this point you are gasping for oxygen but your lungs are crushed and won't take in anymore, "...please! You're suffocating me Rascal!"

This immediately clicks in the joker's mind, and he instantly releases his grip. You sit up gasping for air, feeling around for anything broken and thankfully find just a pair of achy lungs and ribs.

When you look back at the joker, only a shower of purple cards and smoke has taken his place.

You watch as they fall, then disappear once hitting the couch and floor.

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now