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Okay sorry if this is a little choppy but you were warned I wasn't editing these chapters much.




"I wasn't even sure if my spell would work! Yet, here we are." The tiny pixie jumps from the joker's hand and strides around your living room, stroking his chin in thought. Then, he turns back to see you and Rascal still completely perplexed.

"What are you doing here?" cries the jester, his voice filled with disbelief.

"Oh, my apologies," Pop clears his throat. "It's very nice to see you again, (Y/n)." He looks at you with a smile, then narrows his eyes at the joker. "Now, this explains the darkness I sensed."

"You little br—"

"Okay!" you interrupt, breaking the tension. "Not to worry, Rascal is just fine with me and no longer a threat."

Rascal narrows his eyes and raises an eyebrow.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry that my arrival was out of the blue."

"I mean, yeah!" You kneel down to his height, smiling. You are very excited to see the pixie, this time with none of the deep-rooted and programmed hatred you once felt towards their side. "But I think you're the answer to what's going on. You said you sensed darkness?"

"I sensed a dark presence in your realm, (Y/n)," Pop says, looking from you to the joker, clearly still suspicious of him. "But in any case, I knew you wouldn't be able to fight the worst on your own."

"Wait," you say. "So you're here right now, does that mean you knew I hadn't originally come from your reality?"

Pop bows. "Us pixies are very intuitive creatures and quite powerful spirits. We know and can sense a lot of things."

Rascal rolls his eyes.

"And can travel universes it seems?"

"That's correct, miss (Y/n)," Pop says, feeling slightly flustered at your interest. "And there's something else you should know..."

You stare at the pixie in anticipation.

"Moments before Emperor Nogo destroyed everything... you dealt with your curse."

"I don't understand," you tell the pixie. "I died. We all did."

"That's not entirely true," Pop continues, a sparkle in his eyes. "You managed to break free. You did what no Visionist has done in all of history. You found peace."

"No, I..." you trail off. But you did. You realize that you did find peace, right before the very end. You remember sitting in that field, looking up at the night sky with a smile. You did not feel any pain. You found peace. "I...thought it was too late."

Pop looks up at you empathetically and shakes his head. Rascal sits beside you cross-legged, staring, as it truly hits you.

"Wait, but is that the reason why Rascal is here in the first place? I mean, I know you wouldn't bring this up for nothing," you start rambling. "And what happens now? The Glitter Force are still dead and so is that entire universe—"

"Miss (Y/n), please, try to relax."

"You shut your mouth!" Rascal intervenes angrily. "You just dumped information onto her. If anyone's got to relax, it's you!"

"Says the one yelling."

"Rascal – it's fine. Pop," you turn to the pixie, "I had another vision. Nogo was there. He talked to me, and," you shudder for a moment, "I think he gave me the curse back."

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now