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~ Rascal's POV ~

I don't teleport far.

Just to the roof where my fast evaporating negative energy allows me to travel. I've noticed it doesn't stick around as long, runs out faster and faster. I don't know whether running out from (y/n) was the greatest plan, it wasn't very smart. But I needed to get out. It was all too much all at once!

I don't return when I see her run out onto her balcony shouting my name.

How could she do this to me!?~ Anger swirls and boils up inside of me, I can feel it taking over, it's inescapable! The colour red fills my vision and my jaw tenses so hard that it locks. My nails drag against my skin as I pull down on my face.

I've been used again!

"Negative energy...I need it! I need negative energy!~" In my hand I produce the notebook again, along with a small tube of ink. The rage continues building and building and I can't stop it. That along with the hands of betrayal swiftly wrap around me.

She lied to me! This...this human! She's not who she said she was!~

I rise higher, crushing the ink tube in my hand. Gritting my teeth, I strike the stick black goo across an empty page. Immediately the deep raven sky transforms into my signature purple hue, and at once I feel the negative energy absorb into my bloodstream. Instant euphoria bursts inside of me, it feels so good! How I've missed it for years and years. The incident at (y/n)'s friends house was nothing compared to this!

Anger fully consumes me. When will I stop being lied to!? ARGH!~

"You'll regret doing this (y/n)~! You'll regret it all!" I cry out into the fierce wind that has picked up. It flows through the rips in my clothes, piercing my open cuts. All this for some human!?~

More and more energy flows into me, I've missed this! But I soon realise it drains just as fast. I have reached the max now, but the negative thoughts still flow through, even my own in my own head.

But then,

She's the one who changed me.

Tears still violently stream down my face. So many questions race around in my head, I'm so confused! If this isn't the world the Glitter Force exist in, what is it? It looks and feels exactly the same!

Something inside me changes like a switch. Dread opens a deep pit in my stomach. Something feels weird...it feels off.

Nogo opened so many different gaps in time, there must be an endless amount of realities out there. If what (y/n) was saying is true, then this one must truly be hers, right?


My cheeks flush a dangerous red. A human! This whole time!?~ Then this means...it means I...with her...with a human?

So many memories have flooded back in about her, I connected with her so deeply, it was powerfully magnetic. But she had magical abilities then! Because she was magical. How dare she not tell me this!?~ This particular thought screams in my head though she just told me that she had not known anything! How can that be possible?

More importantly, if the Glitter Force do not exist here....how did (y/n) manage to visit my world? How had she have known about it?

My breath hitches when the next thought flows in.

Did she create me?

With all this negative energy pulsing rapidly through my veins, the anger begins ceasing, confusion and worry taking its place.

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now