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" – then she told me that she wouldn't apologise for her brain."

"Oh that's bullshit."

Am I seeing things?

The joker's head tilts and his eyes grow wide when you keep staring. The grin starts to fade.

"What a bitch. Good on you for finally putting your foot down."

"Yeah, like having ADHD doesn't mean you can treat people like shit then blame it on your 'brain.' Like she forgot I have it too."

He looks exactly the same as the last time you saw him. I have to be seeing things! This can't be right!

Then the room goes quiet.

"A-hem," comes a quiet cough. Katrina motions her eyes for the others to turn their attention onto you, as you have been staring in the same spot for probably minutes now.


Hardly a reply comes from your mouth when you struggle to pull your head away and back to the group.

Suspicious, Jonah begins turning his head around towards the window too.

"No!" You cry, stopping him halfway. Now everyone looks at you like you have just said something in a different language. It takes everything you have got to not look back at the window. If you do, everyone will. You begin struggling when out of the corner of your eye, you see the jester rises, more of him visible, the jacket, the now loos red belt and the teared white top.

You cough, still in an unbelievable amount of shock, attempting to cover up the sudden strangeness. "No – yep, sorry I just meant nooo," an awkward laugh spills out after that, but it does not sound right at all. "How dare he do that Kat?"

Liam and Katrina side eye each other, while you feel your heart pounding in your eardrums, across your nose and cheeks as well as roughly against your ribcage.

"Right..." one of them goes.

Then just as Jonah shuffles his legs around, sitting up a little more, a whirr of colour flies out of sight from the window. You are unsure whether you are relieved or more terrified.

Suddenly, you realise you are still being watch by the others in the group, and that you still haven't spoken much more.

"You sure you're okay girl? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Snorts Nina.

Haven't I?

"Are you alright there?" Jonah questions and this snaps you back.

Nodding, you answer with a dazed head and gravelly tone, "Yeah." Then you try standing up, supporting yourself on the arm of the couch. "I just need some fresh air, just going outside, I will be back in a second."

"I'll join!" Comes an eager-to-help Jonah, but you stop him short without even turning back.

"No-no-no, it's fine, I'll be fine. You stay, I'll be back, promise." At this point, anything is tumbling out of your mouth as you make it to the door. Unsure of how you even find the knob and the strength to twist it open, you feel everyone's stares on you as you shut the door behind you with an unintentional slam.

You lean against the door while a rush of cool fresh air pushes against your skin, tending to your burning face.

Every single sense in your body has been heightened, on alert.

The level that Nina's flat is on begins with hers – No. 1 – then the nine other flats travel down the dim-lit corridor. To the side of each door are the weak sources of light – lamps, everyone has theirs turned on and they are all swarmed with insects, some you notice, are scarily larger than the average moth.

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now