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Well this is something you didn't expect did you? Hehe. Enjoy :)

(Slight NSFW warning;)

You walk back from your room with your laptop under your arm. When you sit back on the couch, the jester watches intently as you type in your password and it lets you in.

What are you doing!? A voice cries out from within you. Showing him could be dangerous!

"Now you need to promise me," you say with a shaky voice, "no darkzones over this. No spiralling."

The jester cocks his head almost in alarm. "You know I can't promise silly things like that!~" But when the jester sees that you do not break a stern eye contact, his smile fades and gives you a simple nod.

Fingers struggling to move, you slowly open a new browser and type Netflix into the search bar, the website comes up straight away and you click on it.

Not knowing how Rascal will react horrifies you, but you think this is only fair. A lot of you is curious to see his reaction, situations like this do not come about very often.

"Remember the old cartoons...Brute used to watch on his grandmother's T.V?" You ask him, glancing to the side.

"Vaguely," the joker stares at you, pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together in his mind.

"Well," you let out a sigh, "you should know that I am not your original creator." Netflix finally loads up and your mouse goes straight to the search bar.

Rascal goes silent, watching you as you painfully type each letter; The Glitter Force.

Then, you press enter.

The joker snatches the laptop from your loose grasp, eyes wide as he stares at the result. "But – but th-that's not possible!~ That's Glitter Lucky!"

Attempting to steer the screen of the laptop towards your view again, you peek at the title and preview photo of the show that started it all. It is a portrait of a smiley Glitter Lucky.

"That's her," you gulp, then look back at the jester, "now pass it back, there is more to this." Will this be too disturbing to show Rascal?

Nah, he will not stop pestering you for answers if you do not show him this.

Rascal reluctantly passes your laptop back but still has his face right up close to the screen and you click the option; 'Episodes and More.'  It flickers to show all the episodes in order from season one. Should you start from season 1? You know you cannot be bothered watching from the very start.

Your fingers hover on the mouse pad hesitantly and unsure.

You look away, then at the joker. "Rascal," you say to him and he struggles to pull his eyes from the list of episodes. Finally his eyes are on you and you continue, your voice steady and sure. "You cannot freak out, alright? Once I show you this, everything will make sense...I think, but you absolutely cannot go and create a riot. You trust me to explain, and this is going to be a lot, but you need to stay the course."

Without even waiting for him to respond, you go to click 'Season Two' and its episodes show up at once.

"But, this is – this is a – "

"A TV show, I know." You scroll all the way to the bottom and click the second last episode, 'The Queen of Jubiland." Rascal's stare pierces the side of your face that you can feel it, it hurts.

For the next 20 minutes, the two of you sit through the entire episode. It is painful for you, every inch of your body wants to get up and get away. Especially during the scene of Rascal's death, you nervously glance to see his reaction. The whole time he just looks perplexed and confused.

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now