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Quick note, I unpublished chapter 11. I may or may not rewrite it. But if you missed it, it was only a smut chapter :)

Don't forget to vote and thank you everyone for being patient with me! <3



You let your gear fall to the floor and step out of your shoes, kicking them out of the way with a little more force than necessary. Everything feels heavy when you enter the room, as if trudging through thick mud. So heavy.

Upon collapsing onto your bed, your body reeking of ache after a long day on your feet, the rout and disappointment hits you harder than ever now. It has been a long day and it is not just your body that has it rough, you now can truly feel the weight of your heart breaking apart.

Tears well in your eyes and now that you're alone you can finally let them out. Pretty soon you become wracked with sobs, crying and even screaming into your pillow.

What you did wasn't enough.

The sensation that gnawed in the pit of your stomach on your way back has now fully engulfed you.

You failed.

"(Y/n)?" A gentle voice comes from behind the door. You sit upright immediately, desparetely wiping your tear-streaked face while the door knob turns. Panic rises inside you. No one should see you like this. No one can know you do, in fact, truly feel. You have kept up this mask for so long, you cannot let it slip now.

Alas, the door creaks open slowly and you have not done enough to conceal your cries.

Your best friend closes the door gently behind her.

"Jules." You croak, unable to look the fairy in the eye. She rushes to your side.

"I heard you from outside," she whispers, sitting down next to you on the bed, "what happened?"

You still stare off into the wall, and simply state,

"I failed my exam."

Jules wraps her fingers around your hand, and brings in onto her lap. This forces you to face her directly, though you don't want to meet her eye so you look down instead. "Oh...you did?" Being the empath she is, the fairy's voice is now heavy with heartache. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. I know what's to blame."

"Still," Jules continues, taking a gentle squeeze of your fingers, "you trained so hard for this. I could understand how disappointed you would be."

Her words melt into your brain, causing your eyes to start prickling again. No. You must not show weakness around her.

"Hey," Jules probes, "look at me. It's okay."

Reluctantly you lift your gaze, the same time a tear drop runs down your face. You clear your throat.

"It's my body's fault."

"(Y/n) I – "

"No!" You uncontrollably raise your voice and furrow your brows. "It is!" Jules now frowns with you empathetically. "These stupid nightmares are happening more and more and I can't stop them! They are getting to me and it's impacting my ability to perform and grow stronger. I'll have to repeat the year and you guys will leave me behind. I'm a failure. My whole life is ruined."

Jules looks at you and reaches forward to wipe away a new tear. "I was going to say..that I know. I know that whatever's happening is the root to how you're feeling. It's not fair at all, and again, I'm really sorry today didn't work out. But you should know that Kurt and I would never leave you behind, so don't you ever think or say that again."

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now