Eighteen: A job?

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"What?..." (y/n) deadpans as they freeze a piece of food stuck to their cheek.

"will you be part of my experiment? Nothing horrible! It's not like I'm gonna torture you!" he laughs before stopping when seeing the horrified expression on (y/n). He cleared his throat before he spoke again.

"I would just need to see if Michael will react again..." he explains as he starts to nervously sweat.

"You want me, to approach, a murderer?! Hell no!! Do you think I'm crazy?" They yell and stand up from the chair.

"Well..." Loomis trailed off with his words.

"Shut up." (y/n) glared knowing they were a little crazy. Angrily they grab more food to fill their empty stomach.

"Come on! You'll be protected and you wont ever be alone with him!" Loomis begged.

"absolutely no! Ask again in a million years!" (y/n) flops back down and turns around in the swivel chair.

"...What if i pay you?" Loomis sighs as he tries to compromise. (y/n) stayed turned from him be they keep an ear out. Seeing them not move he thought of another offer.

"50 every session." He offered

"Maybe less than a million years..." (y/n) turns around with a grin. "So what do i need to do?"

"I just need you to try and get him to react again, maybe he'll talk..." Loomis murmured on about the possibilities.

"Yeah yeah, when do i start?" (y/n) looked giddy with the new promise of getting paid.

"lets start tomorrow, he's been sedated due to the...incident..." He explains, getting up to grab his clipboard from the desk to put (y/n) on the schedule.

"Rather than going back to the house, I'm going to set up a bed for you in the staff wing. One moment please." Loomis pushes (y/n) out of the room on the chair. He closes the door and left them in the hallway. (y/n) sits there awkwardly as they get curious looks from nurses passing by. In due time Loomis opens the door and pulls (y/n) back in.

"What was that about?" they ask as they are pushed back into the spot at the desk.

"Oh it was nothing, just had to make a call." Loomis picks up some of his things before he motions then to follow him. Walking thought the halls they pass by lots of cells until they get to a staff room.

"We'll set up a bed on the couch, this room is near by Myers room so you need to stay in here a night, can't risk anything." Loomis stands outside, waiting for staff to deliver the things for (y/n).

'Putting me by the murderer is a crazy idea...i mean i could...No! (y/n) you're being stupid!!' They slap their cheeks making Looms turn around before a nurse approaches. He brings in a pillow and blanket, and puts them on the couch in the room.

"Well i need to get home, if you have any questions ask the staff!" Loomis rushes out, leaving (y/n) to process what he just said.

'WHAT!!?' They internally scream and run after him but he's already gone down the hall.

"F*CK YOU LOOMIS!!" (y/n) screams and flips off the direction he went. They head back into the room and see their bag of clothes sitting on the table.

'These nurses are like ghost!...knock on wood..." They rapped the table with their knuckle. Shutting the door behind them and locking it they go to grab some clothes to change into. Opening the bag they dig through it before grabbing some pajamas, something falls out and they quickly grab it before it hits the floor.

'Woo...I'm spider-man...' They laugh to themself as they put the once again forgotten mask on the table. Moving to the bathroom they get changed and brush their teeth. Flopping down on the hard couch they stare at the ceiling before they look around and spot the mask. The couch groans softly as they stand once agin, their feet padding softly against the ground.

'I mean it couldn't hurt...' They pick up the mask 'What am i saying? of course it would hurt!....ah f*ck it!' (y/n) smirks and peeks their head out of the room, looking down the hall they walk down the opposite hall.

'This is stupid (y/n)!...' they continue to walk, looking at the names on the door plaque.

'Myers...,Myers..., Myers! perfect!' They smile as they approach the door and peek through the small window.

Looking through the window the room is dim, the walls covered with what looks like a child's drawings. From the door way there isn't much to see, as they press their ear to the door the room is silent. Letting out a soft sigh they push off the door to head back to the break room before the sound of thumping encloses around their ears.

Turnip around quickly they look through the window and are greeted by the masked face of Michael Myers. They fall back in surprise and scramble back to the wall.

"H-hey big guy...let's not do that..." they stumble as they pick themself up. Walking back up to the window they look through again.

Michael stands still watching them looking through the window only this time he does react. (y/n) sighs in relief and holds the mask up to him.

"I think i found something of yours..." Looking through the mask they see his eyes for the first time, wide and dull.

"Uh here i guess..." As they open the small hatch to put it through, a large hand quickly reaches out and grabs their wrist. The rapid thumping of the heart beat began only this time, quicker and louder. The hand on their wrist shook as it seemed Michel was affected too, but refused to let go. The pounding became physical as their head throbbed, grabbing their head with their other hand then looked him in the eyes again.


Thats all they could see behind the killers eyes was rage. In a panic they quickly reached down and bit his hand. Shocked by the sudden sight pain in his arm he lets go and they take off back down the hall. Micheal looks at the bite on his hand with a little curiosity, he takes the fallen mask and walks away from the door.

 Micheal looks at the bite on his hand with a little curiosity, he takes the fallen mask and walks away from the door

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Hello again!! Again sorry for slow updates, been pretty busy lately:p But again any criticism is welcome.

Please have something to eat and something to drink!! Be good people, love you guys<3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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