thirty four

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I was going to walk right past the game room. On my way back from the bathroom to where everyone was meant to be. Until I heard two familiar voices in a hushed but not calm discussion. So I did what anyone would do: I stuck around to eavesdrop. I didn't want to risk them seeing me and decided standing against the closed one of the double doors was my best option.

"I'm not exactly sure where you get off on going after a girl with more history with someone else—" Cam starts.

Trevor cuts him off. "Yeah, 'cause your history with her is such an enjoyable one, dude."

"See, look, you don't get her! Teagan is so loyal and she will always come back to me. No matter what stupid mistake I made when I was fucking eighteen."

"I'm just saying," Trevor laughs a little and I know Cam is officially fuming. "Took you eighteen years to realize you had one of the best people out there in love with you and you went and crushed her."

"I didn't crush her."

"That's crazy."


"I just— I didn't even know there was a way to pull the shit you pulled and not crush the other person."

"Listen, man," Cam says. "I get you're some hot shot. Think you're some permanent thing in Teagan's life. But you aren't. The only guy who has stuck around is me. It's a waiting game until she gets over her whole pathetic 'No one can tie me down.' routine."

"Is it?"

"It is."

"Does she know that?"

"Yeah, Trevor. She knows that."

"You think I'm a hot shot?" Trevor's smirk could be heard even by someone who doesn't know him. Next thing I know, Cam's huffing and storms out of the door next to me.

Trevor walks out, calm and collected. Guess they really did work on his reactions this season. I expect him to keep going. Not notice I'm there like Cam did. But he doesn't. Instead, he turns and pulls me by the waist into him. Our lips meet and it's everything and so much more than it's ever been.

He pulls back a few centimeters. That's it. Maybe even only one or less. I can still feel his lips against mine as he talks. "You're so perfect."

"Careful, hot shot, no one can tie me down."

"Yeah?" He mumbles and I say it right back. He moves and plants a kiss on my cheek, then my neck, and back to the cheek.

I laugh, a laugh of pure happiness. His arms tighten around my waist, the kiss turning into a hug. Possibly the greatest hug of my life. Tight hugs always seem to have that underlying message of sadness in my opinion. Tight hug after being apart has a reminder of having to miss them. Tight hug after some big issue is either an apology for their actions or that that thing even happened. There's always some reminder of a bad thing.

This one though. This one has no underlying message. It was simply being in this place together and wanting to get as close as humanly possible.

"Still think no one can tie you down?" Trevor mumbles.

"Think there might need to be an exception."

He pulls back, eyes wide. His hands fly up to cup either side of my face and his eyes just search my face all over. He's looking at me like I'm not even real. Trying to figure out if this is a dream.

"What, Z?" I laugh.

"Did you just say— Do you— You don't know what you do to me."

I put a hand over one of his. "I think you might have tied me down within weeks of knowing each other."

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