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"Okay, what about this one?" I motion to the fifth shirt we've gone through so far.


"You can't say hot to every single one, I need to get rid of some clothes so I can get new clothes."

Trevor laughs, holding his hands up in surrender. "Not my fault if you look good in everything."

"Okay, well..." I reach into my closet, grabbing that white button-down shirt I've had for weeks. "What about this one?"

"Are you kidding me? That's definitely a keeper."

"Think I'll have to wear it to my wedding," I joke.

He tries to bite back a smile. Ultimately failing. "Why do you need to get rid of clothes? Why do you need new clothes?"

"I like starting summer with some new ones." I shrug. "Might as well get a head start now that it's warming up."

"Warming up? It's already plenty warm it's already getting hot."

"You're from New York, Z. You don't get it."

"You're from San Francisco!" He laughs. "It doesn't get that hot there, does it?"

"I spent a lot of summers in the Central Valley at my grandparents'. It gets fucking hot there so I know hot."

"Speaking of hot..."

"If that's gonna turn into a line, don't say it." I put the button-up back in my closet and turn back around to a silent, pouting Trevor. "Are you serious?"

"Deadly," he says.

A very fake and very dramatic gag sounds from the doorway. "Jesus, you're turning into her."

"Yeah?" Trevor says, looking me up and down which just makes Spence gag again. "I would not mind seeing that in the mirror."

"You're depraved, man." Sunny sounds genuinely disappointed in Z but still sits down next to him on my bed.

I scoff. "Hello? I don't remember inviting you in."

"The door was open," Trevor argues for my brother. What the hell? Spence nods in agreement.

"When did you—"

Sunny cuts me off. "You're the one who gave me the key, Tenner!"

"She can't remember where her own keys are half the time and you expect her to remember you have one?" Trevor jokes.

"Excuse me?" I laugh in pure shock at this new alliance going on. "Both of you, get out."

They protest. Not moving from their spots. Sitting there throwing their hands up dramatically and telling me how unfair I am. I'm gonna choose to ignore them and continue looking for my less-worn clothes. Those two have no right to partner up on me. They wouldn't even know each other if it weren't for me.

They quiet down but Sunny sadly goes right back to talking. "What are you even doing?"

"She's cleaning out her closet to just replace the stuff she gets rid of," Trevor explains.

"Summer is pretty close, huh?" My brother gasps sharply. I can hear his hand smack the bed. "Dude! What if we invited Trevor to the Neal family party?"


I keep going through the closet, squatting down to look through clothes I've hardly looked at since it's been cooler. My brother is full of ideas. Not all of them go anywhere.

"Think about it, okay? We—" His phone starts ringing. He answers it. Mostly 'Okay' is repeated over and over until he sighs. "Duty calls."

"Be safe," I call out.

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