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I throw an arm over my eyes the moment they open, the sunlight blasting through my window. That's the first thing I notice. The next is that I'm only in my bra, my underwear, and a button-up shirt that's definitely a bit too big on me to be one of my own. When I take my arm off my eyes, the crinkle of paper is not a familiar one. Yeah, that's the only new experience this morning.

It's a receipt. For Chipotle. Which, I don't eat. In messy handwriting is, "Have morning sk8. u looked peaceful TTYL :)". A punch to the chest, he is.

* * * * *

"You didn't."

"I didn't what?" I ask, joining Tilly on the couch.

She's looking at me like I broke one of her mugs. "You did!"

"Did what?"

"You did Trevor."

"Stop!" I don't mean to yell but I woke up ten minutes ago and I still haven't processed last night. For fuck's sake, I'm still in his shirt and just threw on a pair of shorts with it. I needed out of that room.

"Oh my god, Teagan."

Mira walks into the living room, rubbing her eyes. "Why are we yelling?"

"Don't you say it, Matil--"

"Teags and Trevor fucked last night!" She yells.

Our roommate's jaw drops. I grab one of the throw pillows and use it for its name, throwing it at Tilly. She catches it because of course she does and I just throw the other one. That one nails her right in the head.

"You and-- What? I mean... Oh." Mira struggles to come to terms with it. "Tenner, wha-- Are you guys going to like... I'm so lost."

"This doesn't have to be a thing," I say.

Tills laughs. "It kind of does."

"Why would it have to be a thing?"

"Hm. Let's think." Ugh, I hate when they do a Let's Think.

"You guys definitely met under an 'I'd hookup with you' context," Mira states, taking a seat in the middle of the living room floor.

"Then, you guys started texting nonstop and became... Friends?" Tilly continues.

Mira nods like this shit's the most interesting thing ever. A real think piece. "But instead of your usual flirty vibe to everything in life, there's another layer to your flirting with him."

"Big time," Tilly says. "He gets offended when you even joke that Jamie would be picked as your date over him. Which, by the way, when have you ever gotten invested with a guy's friends after meeting under a hookup kind of context? Never."

"On that date, you guys get back and fuck."

"You guys are forgetting key details to the storyline," I say.

Mira rolls her eyes. "Such as?"

"Such as we've both hooked up with people during this shit. We scouted hookups for one another."

"Good point." Tilly gasps dramatically, smacking the couch cushion next to her. "He's talked to your mom."

"He also canceled on plans with Jamie and Mason to come to the thing last ni--"

You'd think there were at least ten people in the room with how loud they both got. Our living room turned into a sold-out arena for at least thirty seconds. When they settled, Tilly was the one to break the silence, "Dude, this has to be a thing."

"It wasn't some intimate--"

"Sex is inherently intimate," Mira says.

"--thing. It was nothing more than sex between two people who have no intentions of dating each other. Only difference between this and my past fucks is that we're friends."

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