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"He what?" I laugh.

Jamie and I are on his and Z's couch. My head's on his shoulder as I wait for Trevor to shower and get ready to go shopping. It took a shocking amount of convincing to get him to agree to go.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you," Jamie says. He doesn't sound all too regretful if I'm being honest.

"It's cute. Why wouldn't he want me to know?"

"Probably 'cause you'd call it cute and he'd get embarrassed."

"There's nothing wrong with something being cute."

"What's cute?" Trevor asks, walking in and laying down with his head in my lap.

I try to pick his head up and off my lap to be met with absolute resistance. "What's not cute is your hair still being wet."

"It doesn't just dry immediately, Ten." He looks offended over it when that's not what I was saying.

"Don't you have a hair dryer?"

Neither of them responds. The silence is quite honestly deafening. How do you not have a hair dryer between the two of them? What do they do if their hair won't dry in time for something? Am I the only one who sees how insane this is?

I sit up straight. "You guys don't have a hair dryer."

"We did and then it like died on us and we never replaced it," Trevor explains. I give up on trying to get his wet hair off of my dry pants. He smiles like it's the most content he's ever been.

"We didn't use it that much," Jamie adds.

"It can go on the list."

They both look at me as if I insulted them in the worst way possible. I thought looking away from Z to Jamie would save me but it didn't. They're both doing it.

I laugh and cover my eyes. "What did I say that was so bad?"

"You don't have a list!" Trevor pulls my hand off my face. "That was such a lie. You don't have a list."

"I have a list for errands, yeah."

"Show it," Jamie says.

"It's not a physical list. I'd lose a physical list."

"Well, duh," Trevor mumbles.

Jamie laughs but still taps his roommate's forehead and goes, "Come on, man."

"She knows I love her even when she's off losing track of everything." It's so casual I almost think I imagined it.

Except I'm not because when I turn to see if Jamie also heard that, he's already looking at me to see my reaction. He shrugs slightly while also nodding. What? What does that even mean?

"What?" Z asks, reaching up and waving a hand between Jamie and I's faces. Where there isn't necessarily tons of space. Neither of us looks away from the other, still trying to talk without words. "What are you guys doing? Don't we have to leave, Teags? Let's go."

* * * * *

"What do you think of this one?"

Z's sitting on that little chair thing dressing rooms have, looking at me through the mirror. We're only in the second store and he's gotten increasingly touchier since we left the house. I mean, every second his hands were finding me in some way. Holding my hand, touching my waist, my back. Anything he can really. It's sweet.

So it's no surprise when he reaches forward and touches my back where the little sundress opens up. "Jimmy would probably like it."

"Well, as much as I love your love for him, I wasn't really asking what JD would think." I turn around to face him. His hand shifts from my back to my waist. "I was asking what you think."

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