Prologue PT.2 💫

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"What's your name sweetheart?" The tall man (whom Ma'i assumed was their chief ) bent down and took a look straight into her eyes.

"Ma'i, sir." The girl smiled proudly, glancing at her parents from time to time, making sure what she was saying is right.

What Ma'i didn't fail to notice were the two little boys that were standing right behind the man who asked her a question. One of them had a straight face and looked really composed, taking glances at the man in front of him and having that fond look on his face. Ma'i observed how he somehow managed to mimic some of the tall man's movements and even had the same aura. She could feel how much the man meant to the boy.

However, this was definitely not the case for the boy standing next to him. He was looking straight at Ma'i not even taking a glimpse anywhere else. His gaze was shooting right into the little girl, making her move uncomfortably in her place.

"Nice to meet you, Ma'i." The sudden voice brought Ma'i's attention back to the man. "I'm Jake. Behind me are my family: my mate Neytiri, and my two sons Neteyam" he moved his hand to bring out the son in front. The boy - who the girl now knew as Neteyam - smiled a little and made a welcoming movement. "And Lo'ak" Ma'i peeked behind Neteyam to see the boy smile a little at her and nod his head as a welcoming sign.

"Hey." Ma'i could feel her years twitching instantly at the boy's voice.

The girl smiled and bit her lip to suppress the blush creeping up her face.

She found the boy quite cute.

However, Ma'i's little hopes of befriending him ended the moment she understood what is going on.

Jake Sully was training his sons to be the next clan leaders and of course, Ma'i's parents couldn't resist the need of having their daughter as one of the clan chiefs.

During the same evening, when the Txäkin'ite family settled down, Ma'i's parents called her for a family meeting.

"Sit down, daughter."

Ma'i was incredibly curious as to what is about to happen, but she could sense that something wasn't right.

"I know that we are visitors here, however, you must listen really carefully, my dear." Her mother started the conversation. "You must be the next clan leader."

Ma'i sat there unable to utter a word for a few seconds out of shock.

"Me? But, mom.. how's that even possible? Sir Jake's sons will be the leaders." The five-year-old protested.

"We know, sweetheart." Now it was her dad's turn to speak. "But you must do that. It is possible for you to take the name of the clan's leader. There's no other option."

"But I-"

"No more questions. You will have to be faster, stronger, and smarter in every way. You will train with all of them together." Her mom didn't let Ma'i speak. "Now, go. Your training starts tomorrow."

Ma'i wanted to ask so many questions, to scream, to cry... to go home. But she did none of that. Ma'i decided to make her parents proud. She thought that there must be a reason her parents ask her to do that and she will trust it, even though it means she has to sacrifice her own happiness.

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