Chapter 3 : "Hatred"💫

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( POV: Lo'ak )

He did feel bad. He felt bad for feeling bad too. Lo'ak didn't want to care. He didn't care. He hated this feeling.

"Stupid girl." He murmured under his nose.

"What was that?" Neteyam flopped down onto his hammock and turned his body sideways to face his little brother.

"Nothing." Lo'ak turned around opposite Neteyam.

"Hmmm... I am pretty sure I've heard you say something..." Neteyam paused for a second. "Like a stupid girl?" He laughed.

Lo'ak didn't answer his brother. However, his tail betrayed him once again, swinging in the air, brushing along every surface that was near.

"What happened this time?" Neteyam sighed but Lo'ak could hear the smirk on his face.

"Nothing. What could have happened?" The boy answered, annoyance clearly heard in his voice.

Neteyam laughed silently before speaking.

"Uhhh... it's Ma'i isn't it?" Neteyam says slyly, raising his eyebrows at his little brother.

Lo'ak got annoyed pretty quickly. He most definitely didn't want to talk about some foolish girl. And he hated that Neteyam was the first to say a word about her. He sometimes wouldn't even shut up about her: they went racing, they ate together and it was so fun, they found a new secret place, they did... and the list went on. It pissed Lo'ak off so badly. As if he didn't have enough of her already. The frustration, however, was usually dedicated to his brother, Lo'ak couldn't stand the way he talked about her, as if she was the most amazing person in the whole clan.

The big brother was fast to take Lo'ak's silence as an answer.

"Why don't you try to not fight for once? I don't get it. She's so amazing you know?" Neteyam now sat up in his hammock and looked at Lo'ak's figure as it was moving from unsynchronized breathing. "Has she done something bad to you?"

"She- " Lo'ak started to spell a sentence but something in him stopped for a whole minute before opening his mouth again. "She's terrible... and - and I loathe her. She's so annoying, stupid, and clumsy, and she irritates me so bad." Neteyam lowered his ears due to the rising voice of Lo'ak's inner thoughts. "It's like I'm going crazy when she's around." Now he was full-on angry, Lo'ak's body language giving this up obviously.

Neteyam however, was intrigued, seeing his little brother acting like that was an amusement but he also couldn't help but feel sorry for him. But the boy decided to not judge too early, even though he probably already knew it.

"She's the worst person on this planet. And she doesn't deserve to be here with us too." Lo'ak continued to express his despite to the girl.

What the two boys didn't know was that the very girl they were discussing was standing right outside.

( POV: Ma'i )

Ma'i was about to knock on the door, she wanted to talk with Neteyam... but then she heard her name. This captured her interest, and she decided to listen.

However, she didn't expect to hear such harsh words. Even though she became one of the best warriors here, she could still feel like an outcast. And Lo'ak's words confirmed just that. She swallowed the burning feeling down her throat.

Ma'i then huffed under her nose.

Okay then. If that's what he thinks of her - let it be. She was about to show him that he was wrong.

Just wait and see, Lo'ak.

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