Chapter 16: "Rebels" 💫

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(POV: Ma'i)

Ma'i closed her eyes as she heard the loud gunshot sound from the side.

This is it. Am I dead?

These were the only thoughts she could form as the girl couldn't feel any pain of a bullet at all. But I felt like she couldn't hear anything, everything around her felt dizzy, and she was just trying to feel her body.


The girl suddenly felt somebody pulling her by her shoulders.


The loud voice shook her out of the trans-state, and she opened her eyes only for them to be met with big round Lo'ak's eyes.

He looked scared, scared may even be an understatement, he looked terrified but there was a tiny glimpse of happiness too.

"Ma'i can you hear me?" He looked worried and then Ma'i felt him softly touching her shoulders as his thumb soothingly brushed against her skin. "We have to get out of here."

Lo'ak looked around, his hands still on Ma'i's shoulders as she felt dissociated from everything.

"Here." He took her hand as she quickly blinked trying to get the sudden ash that was around them everywhere from her eyes.

Lo'ak led them through some parts of the ship that seemed like they were broken, rubbish laying on the ground, and anything that was made out of wood was burning, creating a big red and yellow fires.

Ma'i tried to look around and see what was going on but it was almost impossible for her to concentrate on anything. She could see the soldiers that took us falling down, it seemed like they were either being shot, pushed, or thrown a knife at.

Ma'i didn't want to say anything to Lo'ak as she knew it was serious and they needed to get out of there safely but she had so many questions.

Her eyes stopped looking around when she felt like the ashes and dust would make her blind, so the only thing Ma'i focused on was Lo'ak's back. She watched as his tail wiggled around and his ears bent down. He was probably just as nervous and frightened as she was.

"Here they are!" Ma'i heard a man's voice say. "Get them!"

Lo'ak turned around and quickly pushed her body behind him. He looked at the side that the voice was coming from.

They had to get a plan.

"Look!"  Ma'i pointed up as there was a small door, probably leading somewhere.

Lo'ak worked fast: since he was taller than Ma'i, he quickly reached the door and pushed it open.

"Go in." He said to Ma'i. "I will keep them busy."

"No!" The girl shook her head. "No. I'm not leaving you here." She was stubborn and was not about to simply give up and leave Lo'ak behind.

Lo'ak smiled: even in this situation she was still able to disagree.

But the smile rapidly vanished as he remembered where they were and what danger was coming to them.

"Ma'i, I'm serious. You have to go!" He bent down a bit. "I will get you up." Lo'ak made a position that would make Ma'i easier to get to the tunnel.

"Only in one condition," Ma'i said gently getting on his knees and trying to get to the door. When the girl got into the black tunnel, she pushed her hand out. "I'm not leaving you out there."

Lo'ak smiled, for just a millisecond forgetting the danger that was awaiting.

He reached and took her hand, trying to make it as easy as it could possibly be for her to pull him up.

It took all of Ma'i's strength to pull Lo'ak up, she put her legs on the wall for support and pulled the boy in.


Hey, guys!
I'm back after being gone for a few months!<3
Hope you enjoyed the chapter (and are enjoying the story**)

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