Chapter 14 : "Tears" 💫

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( POV: Ma'i)

It was somewhat chilly sitting on the rock at one of the highest hills there was. Ma'i felt a breeze and a cold shiver running down her body. But all of this was so worth it.

Ma'i was still overjoyed with the absolutely magical star sight as her eyes roamed and scanned over every little thing in the sky she could see.

"Told you I know a great spot." Lo'ak's voice could be heard from the side.

The girl couldn't pull her eyes away from the view in front of her. She was mesmerized.

"Yeah. It's so beautiful."

( POV: Lo'ak)

Lo'ak wanted to say something funny that would make her angry and irritated again but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He eyed Ma'i from the side, noticing how actually breathtaking she looked under the bright light of starry night. Her hair was charmingly braided and her skin was mirroring the light so well, making the marks stand out. Her eyes were shining, reflecting the bright view of the night sky, with water formed inside.

Lo'ak felt taken a little bit back.

Was she actually about to cry? Over a sky?

He thought that maybe it was only in his imagination when the tear actually fell from her lashes and rolled down her cheek.

Before Lo'ak could even think of anything, he leaned forward, closing the small gap between their bodies.

His thumb brushed against Ma'i's cheek and collected the fallen tear of happiness.

And that's when he snapped out of his state.

They were both standing still, not daring to move a muscle, not daring to say anything.

Ma'i looked up into Lo'ak's eyes to find them fixated on his cold thumb against her cheek.

She quickly blinked, trying to understand if this was really happening.

Lo'ak instantly withdrew his hand back to his side before she could even say anything, as both of their faces went red, engraving all of the embarrassment that just happened a second ago into their memories.

"Um... I think we should... we should head back?" His voice went upwards making it sound more like a question rather than a simple statement that was actually supposed to be.

Ma'i bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the awkwardness but not managing to escape Lo'ak's gaze as he fixated his golden eyes on her cherry-red lips.

The boy could feel his tail about to move and before he could let himself to let anything happen, he quickly spin around and started walking off.

"Hey, don't leave me again!" Ma'i whined. "Why do you always have to go away like that? "

"Because I am not letting you win on any occasion and you know it." A mischievous smile was now plastered on Lo'ak's face.

"Yeah yeah, right. I think you're just too afraid of the fact that a girl is way stronger AND faster than you." Now it was Ma'i's turn to take upon a proud smile.

"You wish. I am way better than you and I'm gonna prove it."

"What was that? Oh, I think it's just some nonsense-talking voice reaching my ears. Honestly... sounds like a bothersome insect."
Ma'i laughed.

"Well you know as it's said insects can hear and sense their close ones, so congratulations on finally finding your species."

"Haha very funny. I literally died from laughing."
Ma'i mimicked and sighed.

"Really? No more of Ma'i? These are the best news ever!" Lo'ak started jumping around, laughing.

But when Lo'ak jumped the seventh time, he felt something sharp and stingy hit his body. And enormous pain shot and exploded throughout his whole body.

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