Chapter 2 : "Test"💫

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"You called us, sir?" Ma'i was the first to enter the hut as she moved in front if Lo'ak not trying to hold the door for him (making it almost hit the boy in the face if he didn't have such fast reflexes).

Jake turned around and eyed both of the teenagers standing in front of him.

"Yes." He pointed at the ground. "Sit down." Both of you."

Lo'ak and Ma'i sat down in front of the clans chief, holding a very strong distance and not even glancing at each other.

Jake took a sharp breath before speaking, knowing very well that what he will say next will make a fuss.

"I called you two here to make an announcement." He eyed both teenagers. "You should know that all of this training has a meaning. You both are my best warriors, however..." Jake paused looking at Lo'ak then meeting Ma'i's eyes. "I want to test you."

There was a moment of silence as both Ma'i and Lo'ak softly leaned back.

"Test us?" The boy softly asked his father not wanting to sound nervous. "Test us how?"

Ma'i knew that this wouldn't end well, however she couldn't help but feel curious too.

"It is already planned. I want you two to go on a mission. This mission will determine who is going to win this year's clan prize, since it is very obvious that you two are the lead contestants." Jake explained as Ma'i could hear Lo'ak's tail swinging in the air. "You will have two months to survive without any help of other clan members. The first of you to bring Kelutral seeds from the mountain will win."

"But sir, that's extremely dangerous I-" Lo'ak protested as all three of us knew that no one has ever been this far and survived.

"You will have a gadgets to help us communicate. Of anything happens - you can use it and we will come to rescue you." Jake continued to explain more as he handed both Ma'i and Lo'ak small earpieces with a wire. "Put these near your neck. If something occurs, you instantly press this." His finger brushed over a little bell sign. "You will be able to take your Ikrans with you. Remember that you can always call for help." His eyes locked with Ma'i's as she tried to not show any fear.

"Off you go now." Jake dismissed the teenagers as he softly pressed his hands on Ma'i's and Lo'ak's shoulders.

However, the tension in the hut didn't dissipate and the teenagers were fast to leave Jake alone.

Ma'i opened the hut door and walked out as fast as she could. The thoughts were running like millions of bees in her mind. She could feel the anger and determination rise in her mind.

She had to win this. She just had.

Ma'i knew that her determination is high and once the girl has decided to do something - she always did it.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted as she felt soft fingers brush around her wrist. Ma'i instinctively turned around, almost bumping her nose to no other than the one she despised the most.

That skxawng!

He smirked as his hand was still firmly but not harshly wrapped around Ma'i's wrist.

"Back off from this now." Lo'ak tilted his head as to indicating his dominance and greatness over Ma'i. "You won't survive a day out there." The boy's eyes shimmered with pride as Ma'i locked hers with his.

She stood firmly, now facing him completely with her whole body her wrist still in Lo'ak's hand.

"You are not to tell me what to do, Lo'ak." Ma'i didn't miss to notice how his ears went up when she bitterly spilled his name. "I'm not backing up from this and you know it. Actually, I'm pretty positive that I'm going to win."

Her face expression quickly changed to prideful and her body felt relaxed.

Lo'ak scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"You wish, moron. I'll make you regret not backing up from this." Ma'i was quickly brought to reality as she felt a hard squeeze on her wrist, almost stopping her blood flow.

She quickly pulled it out of Lo'ak's hand and brushed it to bring the blood back quickly. It wasn't too hard to leave a mark so the hand just needed a few seconds to get back to color.

The boy in front of her watched closely as her hand got back into normal condition and turned around, leaving Ma'i standing alone.

She could almost swear that there was a glimpse of guilt on Lo'ak's face. But Ma'i decided to brush it off as she cursed the boy in her mind turning opposite direction and going to the training room.

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