Chapter 10 : "Dream"💫

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( POV: Lo'ak )

Lo'ak could feel soft hair brush around his neck and chin.

And a very strong scent reached his nostrils and went through his whole body.

His mind knew that smell really well.

Lo'ak's unconscious side was still half asleep but the awake one (or what he thought was the awakened one) was starting to get more cautious of what was happening around him.

The boy's eyes slowly opened only to shoot open immediately when he saw the view in front of him.

Lo'ak suddenly felt that his hands were softly pressed to the side of his head as a playful expression was on her face.

He felt lost for words.


His mouth shot agape at the sight and a pent-up breath caught up in his throat.

Ma'i looked just as he remembered her but at the same time, something was different. She was stunning, a smug expression plastered up her face as she smiled showing her teeth off.

The girl slowly leaned into his ear.

Lo'ak couldn't believe what was happening nor did he have the time to figure it out.

He closed his eyes as Ma'i's breath reached his skin, making it shiver.

Lo'ak could feel how fast his heartbeat was, feeling like every sensational feeling he was feeling will eventually walk out of his mind... but instead, it spread throughout his whole body, engraving itself into the veins making it even harder to keep up now.

Ma'i's lips softly brushed against his neck skin, making the boy tremble.

The girl was working her way up his neck with her kisses, making short pauses in between them.

"I..." Ma'i landed a peck on his SCM muscle. "...see..." another kiss on Lo'ak's neck, going upwards. ""

Lo'ak was even more stunned, feeling surprised as to why he felt pure happiness taking over him.

This was the same girl that he hated. Despised to an extent not only he but everyone around the two of them could sense.

So why did he feel so relieved and euphoric at this moment? Why did he feel like all he wanted to do was to be with her forever?

Lo'ak looked up only to be met with Ma'i's eyes that peered into his soul.

She was so beautiful...

Lo'ak felt like he could see stars twinkling in her dreamy eyes. Ma'i's hair fell upon the sides of her face as she fondly smiled.

And then she stared leaning in, coming closer to his face.

A little bit closer...

And closer...

There were just a few millimeters left before they-

And that's when Lo'ak shot up in his hammock. He felt sweat all over his body as his breathing speeded up.

He felt dizzy like the whole world was spinning. And hot. Lo'ak felt really hot.

" Pxasìk (meaning screw that; no way)" He silently cursed for himself before standing up and going outside for some fresh air.

When the cold breeze hit him, the hotness somehow abandoned his body, making the boy sight to himself, relieved to feel his body loosening up but not so fond of what he witnessed before.

It was somewhere middle of the night.

Lo'ak's eyes wandered into the dark horizon, as the boy was alone with his thoughts that weren't able to leave his mind.

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