Chapter 12 : "Feast" 💫

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It was only a few weeks left to the final clan prize competitions. And this meant... a yearly clan feast!

Ma'i absolutely adored every second of it and waited for this celebration with excitement.

The girl was standing in front of her little closet, trying to pick out an outfit for the celebration. She was about to go with some fierce look.

Ma'i's hands roamed around her little box full of jewelry: some shells she collected when she was on the shore with Neteyam (and Lo'ak because he decided to tag along, even though he complained the whole time), stones, a beautiful bracelet that she made when she was younger and many more. However, her eyes fixated on a beautifully bewitching necklace containing a small golden emerald that went down to her collarbones. Ma'i softly took and rotated it in her hand as her finger brushed through the emerald.

She didn't know where she got it - one day she found it on the little wooden table beside her hammock. It was gracefully laid with no note nor anything beside it. Ma'i didn't think about it much as she suspected it was someone only being nice to her for once and took it. But the girl could never find the right occasion to wear it... until now.

Ma'i put the necklace on and looked at the dainty image in her mirror. It looked absolutely gorgeous.

Just as she was about to get out, she heard the music and voices in the distance - the feast had started.

Ma'i didn't want to miss the opening ceremony so she quickly opened her hut doors and ran to the place where music could be heard from.

Her eyes roamed through the great-sized group of Na'vi until she spotted Neteyam.

"Hey!" She ran to the boy who was standing at the corner, looking at the crowd.

He jumped a bit as he was not expecting her to come from behind but as soon as he turned around, a smile crept on his face.

"Wow!" Neteyam said in a shouty-like voice since the music was getting louder. "Ma'i you look amazing!"

"Thanks!" The girl smiled even more widely and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Ma'i stood next to Neteyam and also looked at the dancing crowd.

It was absolutely fun. Everyone knew that they can have this kind of relaxation, wildness only like that, and waited for the feast. They were dancing, and singing, some were just chatting, getting closer or simply eating the amazing food served.

"I'm going to get a drink." Neteyam suddenly spoke. "Do you want some?" He raised a teasing eyebrow.

"No, I'm all good." Ma'i chuckled.

"You know I'm still gonna bring you some." Neteyam was already walking away as his voice echoed and disappeared in the voices of the feast.

The girl rolled her eyes, but the smile was still on her face.

"Still not a fan of drinks?" A sudden voice made Ma'i jump in her skin.

Ma'i was already annoyed and this made her even madder.

"And you're still not able to NOT be annoying?" She tilted her head to be faced with Lo'ak's smiling face.

But what she didn't expect was to be taken aback.

Even though it wasn't visible (or at least Ma'i hoped it wasn't) to Lo'ak, her eyes widened as she blinked a few times to try to believe her eyes. She has never seen him looking like that... Ma'i hated to think about it but Lo'ak looked beautiful.

The light from the fireplace was shining on one side of the boy's face, emphasizing his golden eyes and unique pattern of marks. And he had a new hairstyle - Lo'ak's newly braided strands fell down on his side and uncovered his neck.

Ma'i looked away, not waiting for the answer and hoping that Neteyam will come back soon.

She shifted and adjusted slightly in her place, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Let's make a deal." This caught Ma'i's attention but the girl was still not planning to look at the boy. "I will let you brag about yourself, and you may say to everyone that you're better than me..." Now THIS got Ma'i's attention fully. She turned to the boy.

"If..." The girl was eager for him to finish the sentence.

"If you let me spend this evening with you and you wouldn't object to any of my suggestions.. no dirty nor too serious or humiliating requests - it's a promise." Lo'ak spilled it out and held both of his hands up.

Ma'i frowned.

What was the point of this request if he wasn't planning to embarrass her?

But being the curious girl she was - Ma'i decided to agree. She had nothing to lose, and she could back away anytime.

The girl took another look at Lo'ak's face in search of perfidy but he looked sincere.

She hesitated.


Something in her was screaming yes, and inquisitiveness took over.


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