Chapter 15: "Trapped" 💫

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(POV: Lo'ak)

The sound of waves woke Lo'ak up, but the easiness he always felt after waking up every day quickly left his mind.

Lo'ak felt like he couldn't move. The pain that was caused by something sharp was already making his body hurt. But he knew that it wasn't just a simple pain, there was something in the sharp item. He tried to look down as he only then started to get averseness over the place that he was.

It was dark. So dark that the only thing his eyes could get a glimpse of was blackness.

Lo'ak tried to move his hand and put an end to enormous aching. He gripped the item, and his hand quickly pulled it out definitely leaving a mark with blood flowing out of it.

The boy groaned in pain. It hurt so bad, he never felt anything hurt like that before, and he actually got hurt pretty often.

When the dizziness and pain got used to his mind, he started to remember what happened.


The boy looked around quickly in hopes of finding the girl next to him but this belief was met with disappointment and fear when his eyes didn't get a glimpse of her figure. The only thing they saw was blackness.

Lo'ak tried to move around, but his body gave up. There was no space to move, it looked like he was in a very small box.

He felt panic coming up, and his hands started to scrape the wooden surface of something that he was put in.

This, however, didn't last long.

"Yes, we got them both." His ears caught the sound of a male talking and stopped. "No." There was a pause. "You want me to prepare the girl? Okay." Another pause lay down in the air. "No, we can sell her. No worries, I hope she'll make an excellent item in your science laboratory." The man laughed. "Don't worry they are both valuable, if you want the girl, you will get the girl." The man then walked away from the box that Lo'ak was in.

Was he talking about Ma'i?

Lo'ak bit his lip in worry.

He needs to get out of here. Now.

The boy looked around one more time and this time saw such a small glimpse of light. But this was his only chance.

Lo'ak listened carefully, and when he was sure that no one was waiting for him on the other side, he started to work.

Lo'ak kicked the box side with one leg, but it didn't move at all. Then he kicked harder. And harder.

"Pxasìk! (meaning: screw that! no way)"

The boy felt irritated and tired.

But he knew he couldn't leave Ma'i, he had to get to her.

Lo'ak then hit the box strongly with his elbow. And it did the job: several logs broke down, and lightness shimmered into the small space.

He started to move out, trying to ignore the pain from now both - the space that arrow hit and the pain from his bloody elbow.

He stumbled out and instantly understood that he was in the water. Waves and wind could be easily heard on the ship.

Lo'ak looked around, but his eyes instantly stopped when he saw Ma'i's figure on the ship. And she was not alone. The man near her suddenly pulled out a gun and put it in front of her. Pointing it straight at her stomach.

The moment he loaded the gun Lo'ak was already moving towards this horrible scene.

"MA'I ! " Lo'ak shouted, and instantly at that moment a loud shot echoing through the sky could be heard.

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