Chapter 5 : "Injured"💫

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( POV: Lo'ak )

"Ma'i!" Lo'ak shouted, softly grabbing her face. The girl was laying lifeless on the floor near the stone that caused the condition she is in now.

Lo'ak brain was buzzing with thousands of different thoughts all of them occupied by the laying girl on the ground.

"C'mon, Ma'i." He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up from the ground, and went further into the cave. "Don't give up here."

As soon as he heard the rush of water, the boy fastened his pace and reached the small delicate shore. He carefully put Ma'i on the ground, making sure to not move her too much.

All he saw was red and all he could hear was the buzzing sound of complete silence. Lo'ak got used to Ma'i being always there, he definitely couldn't bring himself up to the thought of her not being somewhere near.

Lo'ak examined the girl and relaxed, understanding that there were no major injuries. He ripped a piece of the only clothing he had and dipped it into the freshwater. Lo'ak softly brushed the girl's hair as his other hand was cleaning her wounds.

"Wake up, Ma'i." Lo'ak looked at the injured girl's face noticing how she was completely pale. The boy put his finger near her nose to check if she was still breathing and to his relief, she was.

He continued cleaning and checking her up until his ears caught the sound of falling water outside the cave.

Lo'ak figured out that the two of them won't be able to reach their clan. They were too far off and the weather will just make Ma'i's state worse.

He groaned silently in frustration and worry about the girl not waking up.

Why did it have to happen?

Lo'ak took a final exam in Ma'i and flopped down next to her.

Even though the wind didn't directly reach both of them, it could be loudly heard. Wind passionately waved the tree branches as well as all of the other natural plants, making the noise much louder and much more triggering.

Ma'i was still unconsciously laying on the ground, next to Lo'ak.

The boy looked at her, feeling the coolness coming from her and seeing the surface of her injuries.

He couldn't let the girl just die out of the cold. Lo'ak moved his hands delicately around her shoulders, bringing Ma'i even closer to himself.

He chose to ignore the tingling feeling in his stomach when Ma'i's skin connected with his. This was not important right now.

However, the boy just couldn't bring himself to ignore the laying girl next to him. His gaze fell on her again, noticing how Ma'i's hair perfectly fell on her eyes and how her nose went a little upwards, how her almost unnoticeable freckles sprayed across her cheeks. Lo'ak fought the urge to just bring his hand out and put the little strand of Ma'i's hair behind her ear. And when his stare fell on those lips...


What the hell was he doing? She is injured. This is not what should be on his mind at all.

Lo'ak needed to get away. He couldn't understand what was happening to him nor did he want to. He didn't care about her. He definitely didn't.

Lo'ak rapidly turned away from Ma'i, putting his hands on the ground as a support to stand up, and moved away from her.

The boy was ready to walk off but the soft grip on his wrist stopped him right in his tracks. It felt as if it turned his body into flames even though it was cold around.

Lo'ak didn't turn around. At least not until he heard her speak.

"Stay." A soft sound echoed through the place they were staying in.

Ma'i's voice was hoarsely sweet and as soon as it got to Lo'ak, another strong wave of warmth spread throughout his whole body.

Lo'ak slowly spins, meeting her big eyes.

Ma'i looked so pleading for him to not go. When Lo'ak didn't move from his place, her eyes fell on their connected hands.

Ma'i's face was now covered in mild rosy blush, creeping up her neck and ears.

She quickly let go of his hand and rubbed her neck as if that would make the actions go away.

"Umm... never mind... I-um... "

Lo'ak could sense a smile taking over his face. Seeing Ma'i like that was one of the most amusing things he has ever seen. She was flustered.

"I'll stay."

The girl looked up, actually surprised by his answer. She moved a little to the side, even though there was plenty of place next to her.

Lo'ak took it as a sign and sat down in the spot Ma'i made. They sat in silence for a few moments.

"Control your tale, Lo'ak. That dirty thing of yours is coming up my side."

And there she was.

"It's not my problem you wanted me to sit next to you." Lo'ak protested instantly.

"Well, it's not my problem we are here now." Ma'i scoffed under her nose, not understanding that this will only fuel their small fire.

"How is that not your problem?!"

"It's not? Literally, you followed me! I wouldn't be here if you would have just decided to stay there!!" Ma'i spat.

"I didn't even do anything wrong!" Lo'ak threw his hands in the air.

"Yeah. Right." Ma'i raised her eyebrows, chuckling.

"Quit your freaking attitude and egotism. We are here because it was YOU who literally couldn't keep up on her ikran!"

"So now I'M the egoist?" Ma'i pointed a finger at herself, chuckling in disbelief. "Okay.. wow. A few hours ago you were acting like a complete jerk. Just when I thought you can be actually normal for once." Ma'i laughed at her naivety. "You are the rudest creature on this plane."

"Yeah? Well if that's so true, why don't I just fly away then? I can do it right now and leave you here."

"Okay then." Ma'i looked into his eyes with a fierce look. "Why aren't you flying away, hm? Go if you want to do it that badly! Leave me here." Her hand pointed at the exit of their hiding place. "I'm not bloody holding you."

They were both hardly panting at this point. The atmosphere was so tense that their both whole bodies were reacting to it.

Lo'ak groaned.

"You're driving me insane, Ma'i." He got near her face, a few inches between their noses. So close they could feel each other's breaths. "I. hate. you." Lo'ak spat out the words.

"The feeling's mutual."

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