Chapter 13 : "Stars" 💫

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( POV: Lo'ak)

He couldn't believe it. Lo'ak was almost a hundred percent sure that Ma'i will say no to his suggestion.

But of course, he didn't let this see through. The boy didn't think about it much too.

He didn't like Ma'i like that. He hated her.

Both of them were still standing where they stood, waiting for Neteyam to come back.

"I got it. I got it." A loud familiar voice resounded in the loud crowd.

Lo'ak raised his eyes to see Neteyam pushing through dancing Na'vi's while holding coconut shells up in the air carefully for the sweet flavor drink in them to not spill out.

As he reached them, both Ma'i and Lo'ak could see that Neteyam looked out of breath.

The boy quickly put the shells in their hands and leaned back with a smug smile plastered on his face and both hands in the air.

"Enjoy. I have some other things to do."

Neteyam winked at them and softly pressed Ma'i's hand as if it was some sort of sign. They both swiftly looked at each other, clearly speaking through their eyes, no words were needed.

As much as Lo'ak didn't want to admit it - his pulse quickened as he felt some kind of irritation forming in his mind. He looked at how Neteyam softly pressed Ma'i's hand and slowly brushed his thumb against her soft skin.

Lo'ak unintentionally clenched his jaw, not bothering to make it unnoticeable - this definitely caught Neteyam's attention. He smiled even more widely and wandered from the two teenagers away.

The music got louder as more and more clan members felt like dancing.

"Ehem..." Lo'ak broke the silence after a few moments of them standing still, wandering into the horizons of the dance floor.

Ma'i instantly turned around, eyeing the boy next to her. Her soft fresh breath suddenly hit Lo'ak in the face as it explored his nose and went throughout the whole body. He could feel his tail twitching again.

Lo'ak closed his eyes in a way to control it but it only made it worse as his smelling capabilities became more sensitive. His eyes shot open.

"Hm?" Ma'i tilted her head as a sign for him to continue.

The boy's face heated just by looking at her and he quickly averted his eyes to the side.

Just say it, Lo'ak.

"Do you want.."

What was wrong with him?

Lo'ak reached out to suddenly scratch his neck's back.

He even couldn't pull himself to look at her eyes.

Get a grip on yourself.

"I just think the moon is beautiful tonight." Lo'ak was surprised at how laid back he sounded when he exhaled the words. "And the stars are exceedingly seeable. So... I mean... And I was about to go see the stars. I know a place that has a great view."

She looked up, her glossy eyes finally meeting his.

Lo'ak could see the way her smile became wider and wider and reached her eyes.

"Okay...? And?" Ma'i raised her eyebrow making a short stop. "Are you trying to ask me to come with you?"

The blood rushed to the tips of his fingers, the pulse coming in hot waves that caused everything else to softly pulse from adrenaline.

"No? I am most definitely not."

Lo'ak suddenly felt like he was making a fool of himself.

There she was again with that attitude and cockiness.

( POV Ma'i)

Lo'ak rolled his eyes.

"Just do whatever you want."

Ma'i silently chuckled to herself at the instant change of Lo'ak's behavior. He was like a child.

Suddenly, Lo'ak turned around and started to walk off leaving footprints behind.

"Wait for me!" Ma'i shouted to get the boy's attention but he didn't bother to stop.


The girl slowly ran leaving the partying tribe members behind.

Ma'i used all of her muscles to catch up with Lo'ak and walk up the steep hill full of high trees, bushes, beautiful but poisonous flowers, and lianas that almost reached her feet.

"And you still think you can win the prize this year? You can't even catch up with me, loser."

Lo'ak had to raise his voice as he was already further than Ma'i's liking away.

"At least I'm not acting like a little skxawng."

Their voices picking on one another vanished into the starry night air.

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