Chapter 18: "Breath" 💫

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(POV: Ma'i)

"Let's go there!" Lo'ak shouted-whispered to the girl beside him and they moved closer to where Neteyam was about to land.

"How are you, guys?" The boy asked as soon as his ikran reached the ship's ground. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh my god..." Ma'i was not able to utter any other sentence - she felt how her mind was in confusion and shock because of everything that was happening around her.

"Missed me much?" Neteyam laughed bending a bit to get Ma'i's hand and pull her up.

She quickly took his hand and felt how two cold hands slightly pushed her from behind for Neteyam so that he could easily put the girl behind his back.

"Quick, we don't have much time left! Others only take soldiers' time, they won't hold them back for too long!"

Lo'ak effortlessly hoped on the nervous ikran who was eager to fly up.

"Let's go!" Neteyam shouted as they took off.

A sudden gust of wind almost pulled Ma'i down but she was sat between Neteyam at the front and Lo'ak from the back.

Ma'i blushed, feeling Lo'ak's arms softly wrap around her waist for better coordination. His cold skin felt like an ice block when it collided with Ma'i's burning body. She felt herself blush even more and got irritated quickly.

But that wasn't the worst part of this flight. She knew that Lo'ak was trying not to affect her as much as he could but it was inevitable. He was right behind her. His warm breath hit the back of her neck and her ears instantly went down. Ma'i cursed herself for this surrender.

But this wasn't the only thing that occupied her mind.

"How are the others?" She asked with the wind blowing right into her face.

"Everything will be alright! I think they are already out of there too. We were worried about you two." Neteyam reassured Ma'i. "The only thing that matters now is that you both are alright."

Yes, that's all that matters.

(POV: Lo'ak)

It definitely wasn't all that mattered for Lo'ak.

He was sure that everyone that went there was doing great - they were all great warriors. But he couldn't help but be quite concerned.

What if something happened to his dad? Or mom?

Lo'ak knew that his other family members were fine, they were somewhere safe, even Spider. But what about his mom and dad?

And he hated it but one more thing that crossed his mind was the girl sitting right in front of him. They shouldn't have any bruises or cuts - not that Lo'ak noticed them either - but what if she is hurt?

Lo'ak felt terrible at that thought. But why should he care? He doesn't give a single care about Ma'i. He definitely doesn't... He hates her.

But then a quick moment that passed between them crossed through his memory. Right before Neteyam landed, when Lo'ak took Ma'i's chin into his hand. He did it unintentionally but now that he thinks about it... His finger almost brushed over her lips. Almost.

Lo'ak inhaled and exhaled sharply and felt Ma'i's body shiver under his. It was a shame that he couldn't see her face. Lo'ak imagined that it would have that cherry red color painting her cheeks.

"We are here!" Neteyam shouted stopping Lo'ak's active thoughts and softly landed the ikran.

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