Chapter 19: "Powerless" 💫

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(POV: Ma'i)

She didn't know how she ended up where she woke up. It was dark, but the well-known smell calmed her down instantly. Then the memories of the last night came back. Ma'i didn't remember anything that happened after they escaped, except for when they landed with both Lo'ak and Neteyam. It felt like after that moment her memory just went blank. She probably dozed off.

The girl turned to the side since the position she had been sleeping in seemed to get less comfortable for her body.

But her eyes shot open when she looked to her right side.


Ma'i wanted to back away from him at that exact moment, with her heart beating fast but then she saw how one of her hands was lying stretched out between them... and one of his hands was also stretched out, his fingers slightly laying right on her lower wrist. Just two fingers. As if he was checking whether she was still alive.

Ma'i blushed slightly. This was sweet.

But then she looked around.

How was she supposed to get out of this situation??

The girl decided she would not be gentle and wait for him to wake up so Ma'i quickly took her arm away from Lo'ak's fingers.

And of course, the boy's eyes instantly fluttered open.

"Ma'i." He sat up quickly.

Not one of them uttered a word, just looked into each other's eyes. Ma'i cleared her throat and gave Lo'ak a questionable look.

"How... how are you?" This was the first question that didn't give Lo'ak peace.

Ma'i furrowed her eyebrows.

"Since when do you care about that stuff?" She chuckled. "And what the hell are you doing lying in my bed?? Get the hell off." Ma'i moved her hand as if she was getting some pet off of a bed.

Lo'ak rolled his eyes. And there she is back.

"We literally just escaped from a death sentence, from a place we could've died and THIS is what you're worried about?"

He glared at the girl.

Ma'i's lip twitched as she understood that her burst out was rather stupid. They actually could have died.

Her cheeks reddened a little from the embarrassment.

"You still didn't answer my question." Lo'ak gazed right into her eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." Ma'i rolled her eyes. "And you?" It would be rude not to ask. Right?

Lo'ak snickered, amused by the annoyance on Ma'i's face.

"I'm good."

"Great, we are both doing freaking amazing, now get the hell out of my shack?!" She pointed her finger to the doors.

Lo'ak smiled in amusement at her being all fired up over this.

"It's actually not your shack." The girl now was absolutely confused as she furrowed her eyebrows. Ma'i looked around and noticed that it was in fact not her shack. "It's mine." Lo'ak tilted his head to the side with a smirk playing on his lips.

Ma'i blushed even more from both embarrassment and the anger that Lo'ak caused her.

She turned her eyes away from Lo'ak's and quickly moved her feet to the ground.

The girl swiftly stood up, thinking about getting out of this awkward situation as soon as possible but her feet and head gave up on her. A sharp sting peered through the girl's head, and she closed her eyes as her body became weightless, understanding that she would soon meet the ground but not being able to do anything about it like she couldn't control her body.

However, she never met the ground. Ma'i felt two strong arms catch her.

"Woah, woah, easy there." Lo'ak said, pulling the girl back to bed. "You're exhausted. Let yourself rest."

Ma'i rolled her eyes once again but the pain in her head didn't stop bothering her.

She hated the feeling of powerlessness. And not to mention IN LO'AK'S PRESENCE.

"I can take care of myself just fine. I don't need your help, Lo'ak." She spitted his name out.

"Yeah, I can see that." The boy referred to the things that happened just a moment ago and smiled sadly, feeling a little bit worried for the girl. "You almost passed out on the floor but sure, sure. You can take care of yourself." He put his hands up in defense.

Ma'i pressed her lips tightly.

Why does he always have to be so aggravating?

Before she could retort something back at Lo'ak, a rustling sound came to the scene.

"Are they awake?" Blurred voices could be heard from outside the hut.

"They should be." This voice Ma'i recognized instantly.

Then the shack's blinds were open, and two heads popped out. Neteyam and Kiri.

"Ma'i! Lo'ak!" Neteyam almost launched himself at his best friend's side. "You're awake!"

"We were so worried!" Kiri jumped on the bed that Ma'i was lying in.

"Thanks guys." Ma'i smiled at the siblings as the three of them started chattering.

But from the corner of her eye, Ma'i could see Lo'ak walking out of the hut. What she didn't know was that Neteyam could also see where her eyes wandered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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