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Once again I was blinded by the lights shining from the ceiling. I felt a sting of pain as I rubbed my temple, trying to regain focus. Now I remembered where I was...

"Alright Ms. Brooks. You should be able to go home in about three days."

I opened my eyes, still getting used to the light, when I saw the nurse smiling down at me. I managed to smile back, even though it hurt to, and she left the room.

I looked at my surroundings, the couch, the chair, the TV mounted on the wall; none of it felt like home. There was no one else in the room at the time seeing how I just got out of surgery. The doctor told me that they were going to do some examinations on my head injuries and finalize everything today. So I knew they wouldn't be back until almost an hour later.

After I got settled in, I grabbed the remote off of the tray and turned on the TV. It was boring in there with nothing else to do, so I knew this would be the longest three days ever!

In about 2 hours after surgery, I started to get really weak. My eyes were heavy, my head hurt, and I kept getting uncomfortable. I tried to go to sleep thinking it would be nice, when there was a knock on the door.

"Ms. Brooks?", the voice said, opening the door halfway. " There's someone who wants to see you."

I looked at the door, trying my best to stay awake, when the curly haired boy walked in. As soon as I saw his face, I instantly gained the strength to keep my eyes open and sit up.

He walked slowly into the room, not making a sound.
"Hello, babe! The doctors told me you were accepting visitors, so I thought I'd drop by.", he said sweetly, keeping eye contact.

I was startled at the sound of his warm voice when he came in and sat down in his chair. The nurse watched him take his seat, then with a smile, shut the door behind her.

" Its pretty warm in here, don't you think?"
I shot my head in his direction, making sure he knew I was listening.

"Yeah it is. But you'll get used to it.", I said, trying to make him comfortable.

He nodded and turned around to face the giant window on the wall behind him. " Its such a lovely day!", he said, showing his dimples.

I began to feel the heat on my face from the sun's rays - .......wait, no......I'm just blushing. I turned around in my bed and looked out the window. It really was a pretty sight. The sun beating down on the black pavement, the trees dancing to the sound of the wind. Even the clouds were positioned properly in the sky. From where I sat on the bed, I could even see a park right across the street from our building.

" is beautiful." I sighed. From the corner of my eye, I saw him turn around and wink at me. I started to feel the butterflies again when he turned back around and peered outside.

That's when I started to wonder why he was here and nobody else. I didn't see anyone in the hallway or anyone outside when I got back in the room. Did everyone leave except him?

The sun was starting to go down outside and visiting hours ended at 9:30. I looked over at Harry, wow it was weird saying his name, who had decided to relax on the couch. He looked uncomfortable lying there, staring at his phone.

Throughout the day, we had made small talk. Just average conversations. But most of the time, we were silent. This was one of those times.

I started to ask myself why he stayed here this whole time. It was 8:47 now and he remained in his awkward position. I, intentionally, turn off the TV and look at Harry again. Now he was holding the phone on his chest, staring up at the ceiling.

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