Forever Young

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Hey guys!! Thx for reading so far!! This part gets a little more interesting so be ready!! :)<3

2 days later........

"OK Ms. Brooks! You're all set to go!"

I grabbed my hoodie off the chair and waved to the nurses. The last two days were pretty excruciating. I was so ready to get out of there!!

Just as I step foot out the door, I saw Harry beaming down at me. He looked so happy to see me walk out of there, I couldn't hide the redness.

"Hey babe. You ready?", he asked; pulling on his own jacket. I looked around at all the people crowding the hallway, feeling so glad.
" Yeah. I'm ready."

We walked down to the lobby, smiling all the way. This is it! I thought. I'm finally free! Me made it out to the front doors when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Harry, grinning at the floor.

He looked down at his outstretched hand and said, "Can I walk you back home."

I forgot I didn't have a ride since my mom was at work. I also forgot I demolished his ride home. He had been walking everywhere - even to buy us food that first day.

I smiled proudly as I took his hand in mine; intertwining our fingers. "Yes. That would be great."

We headed out the front door and onto the sidewalk. When we got to the end of it, he said, "You know, I'm really gonna miss you." I blushed at his words as he held my hand tighter - as if I would try to escape. I nudged his arm with my shoulder and said, "Well, then don't leave." His eyes shimmered in the sun, making his pupils smaller and his irises seem more extravagant. He leaned in to my ear and whispered, "I wouldn't worry about that."

The day seemed to get longer the more we walked. It was like reversing time itself, only slower than before. We were about halfway to my house when Harry said, "Rose?" I jumped at the sound of my name. He never called me that before. I looked up into his eyes and saw that he was getting upset.

"What's the matter?", I asked. He only kept staring down at me with the same look in his eye. Eventually he replied, " I'm really, really gonna miss you." I felt like tears were going to fall until I stopped myself.

You can't cry. Don't cry.

I looked back up at him. He was wiping away the tears with his other hand. His grip tightened on my hand again and he said, "Promise me, I'll see you again." This time I couldn't fight them. I took my hand and wiped away the tears that were brimming my eyes. I felt so close to bawling, it took everything I had not to.

Then, I stared back into his eyes saying, "I'll see you again, Harry."

He started to smile, his dimples exposed. I leaned my head against his arm and continued to walk. By then we had walked for around 40 minutes and I was starting to get hungry. I noticed my house was a couple blocks away, so I tried to distract Harry.

"Hey, we should get something to eat." He nodded and we started up the path. There was a Wendy's just at the top of the hill, so we did our best to walk up it. We made it to the top and walked inside the restaurant.

We were surrounded by delicious smells everywhere. I decided to get a curly fry since I wasn't that hungry. Harry got the same thing and we sat down to eat.

"So are we close to your house?", he asked almost anxiously. I didn't know whether or not to tell the truth. If I said yes, he would be gone soon. And I just wasn't ready for that. On the other hand, he may want to get a head start if its farther away.

" Uhm...its..uh....a couple....blocks....away." As soon as it escaped my lips, I regretted it. Oddly, however, he looked at me with a worried expression. Like what I said was horrifying news to him. He ate another fry and then, after swallowing, said, "Well....maybe we can get an ice cream or two." He winked at me with that smirk of his and I couldn't resist. We stayed there till almost dark.

The sun was about to set when we finally made it to my front door. He looked at the house pained, hoping this wasn't the end. I heard him sigh behind me as we walked up the front steps. "I don't...why do we have to..." I heard him mumble as we stood on the porch, still hand in hand.

He looked at the house one more time before taking my hand and kissing the top of it. I felt a cool rush of passion flow through me as he lifted his chin towards me. I couldn't help but giggle as the tingling feeling filled my whole body. Pretty soon I was sighing and mumbling as well.

I placed my hand on the knob, not wanting it to turn. It did. I felt a sudden rush of cool air hit me when the door opened. I was filled by the aroma of the house. the memories, the loneliness. I didn't want to leave him.

Before I could step into the house, I felt him tug on my arm. I turned around to ask what he wanted when I was awakened by a soft kiss on my forehead. He grinned one more time before I could process my thoughts; leaving me happily surprised.

He took my arm and pulled me closer to him. We were only inches apart when he said, "Until next time." Suddenly I felt his soft lips pressed against my own. I was stunned by his lips; they felt so nice on mine. I felt his hand move to my waist as he pulled me closer. After a few seconds, he moved away, his hand still on my waist. "I'll see you later, Rose." He pecked my lips one more time before heading down the steps. I watched as he headed back to his home in the other direction, still in awe.


I hope you like this chapter!! I know its kind not short, but I will be updating some more later!! Thx for reading - like, vote, and comment. Thx:)<3

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