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Rose's POV

"So wait....Louis only made a move on Hailey because he didn't want them together?"

Once I had said the words out loud, my head began to spin. It took a lot just to remember that Louis asked Harry to be apart of his gang. So he had to have a reason for asking him. Maybe Hailey was just a way to get what he wanted and Louis thought Harry was growing too close to her. What if.......

"Zayn?" I asked frantically. I was nearly out of my seat when Zayn became aware I had said something.

"Yeah?" His eyes were filled with worry at my apprehensive posture.

"Does Louis know about a man named Deacon Brooks?"

All of a sudden Zayn was out of his chair, his eyes as big as saucers.

"I knew there was something familiar about your name! I heard Louis say it about a hundred times last week! He swore you guys were related."

I froze. My blood went still. My pulse stopped. I tried not to cry at the sound of his voice saying these words but it was too late.

"I need to see Louis.....now."

Harry's POV

I listened to the phone ring twice before it went to voicemail.

Why is she ignoring my calls?

I called her number back again, but this time it went off after 6. Now she's not even bothering to pick up her phone.

I took another swig from my bottle of vodka and let it burn the inside of my mouth. After about 7 beers, I finally upgraded to something stronger. I guess I wasn't going for drunk this time.

All of a sudden my phone vibrated.

I picked it up in my hand, holding it against my ear.

"Hello? Rose? Why haven't you been answer-"

"No this is Zayn. I had to talk to you."

My anger multiplied at the sound of his hideous voice on the line.

"Zayn? What the hell do you want?"

Then it hit me.

"How do you have Rose's phone? Is she with you!?"

I stood up off the couch, throwing the remainder of my drink across the table.

"Yes she's here with me but she came to see Louis. It's not like I invited her she just came. Anyway we're at the hospita-"

"Which hospital?" I cut him off.

"We're at the one nearest you. It's on the far side of where your apartment is....I can't think of the name right now."

"You don't have to." I replied. It's the hospital Rose was sent to after the accident.

"I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone, walking faster into my room. She's at the bloody hospital......again.

Rose's POV

"Where's Louis's room?" I asked the woman at the front desk. She looked almost annoyed at my question.

"What's his last name?" She asked tiredly.


I turned around as Zayn approached the desk. The woman's eyes raked over Zayn before frowning at me.

"He's not available for visitors right now. He just got out of surgery."

I almost pounced over the desk and strangled her but I stayed calm while Zayn took over.

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