I Would

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"Ella? What are you doing here?"

She looked a little worried at me as she spoke.

"Harry.....he told me to come pick you up. He took his car...."

I looked around the lot. Sure enough it was gone.

"Wait...how did he know your number?"

Suddenly I remembered how he reached her through her house phone once before. When he thought I was dead. Right now I'm kind of wishing I was.

"He called me with the same number as last time." She smiled sympathetically before walking over to me. She hooked her arm under my own and half carried me to the car.

It was a lot easier getting around with her to guide me and eventually we had made it to her busted up, red Volkswagen.

"Why did he want you to pick me up?"

Pain was evident in my voice and the look on her face grew somewhat guilty. Like someone had just caught her doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"Harry didn't say. He just wanted me to take you back to his apartment."

"No!" I snapped. Making her jump.

"God, what is your problem!" She looked more shocked than angry as she turned on the engine.

"You can't take me back there. I don't want to see him."

Tears began to form in the corners if my eyes and I had the urge to just let them fall. But wanting to look stronger than what I really am, I wiped them away.

She didn't say anything as she pulled out of the half empty lot. There was something I was forgetting......

"Louis!" I screamed as I remembered him still being here.

Ella stepped on the brakes quickly, making us both jerk forward.

"What the hell!!? Don't do that when I'm driving, Rose!"

I tried to catch my breath at the sudden change of pace. Was he still in there? And if so was Harry still in there?

"I have to go do something......" I trailed off as I unbuckled myself from the tiny car.

I could hear Ella calling after me but I shook it off as I jogged towards the building. I swung open the right door as I broke into a full run towards the elevator.

There weren't any people in the lobby thankfully, as I pressed the 2 button over and over frantically.

The doors finally closed and I was suddenly aware of what I had just done. Why am I such a hurry to see Louis? What if Harry's in there?

But it felt pointless now as I tried to remember why I had to see him in the first place. I have to ask him why he tried to turn me against Harry.

Harry's POV

I paced back and forth in the apartment. My hands strangling the ends of my curls.

What if she doesn't show up? What if her friend, uhm.....Anna or whatever doesn't pick her up? What if she says no?

I didn't want to wait anymore. The anticipation was killing me.

Please come.....please.....

I had to keep my hands busy before they found the wall again. Or worse, the door to the now stocked liquor cabinet.

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