I Want...

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"No!" I screamed. "You can't do this! I love you! I'm sorry! Please!" I felt the pain in my heart grow and the tears start to fall. My head was throbbing, but aspirin wouldn't help me this time. I could hear my heart pound through my ears as I pulled him to me.

"Please......don't go......" My voice was muffled from the tears as I held my head against his chest. He snaked his arms around my waist, enclosing me in his body. I felt warm and safe in his arms, holding on as long as I could. He picked me up off the ground and held me close to his neck. I kept my arms around his neck, pulling him to my shoulder. He rested his chin on my back and held me in his arms. I wrapped my fingers through his curls and continued to cry. "I'm not letting you go!" I protested.

He carried me over to the couch and sat me down on the cushions.

"Rose. Look at me..." He placed his hand on my cheek and wiped the tears away. I tried to turn my head, but he kept his hand there. "No, Harry..." I retaliated. "Leave me alone."

He took his hand away and stood up, still in front of the couch. Suddenly I felt a cool air hit my neck as he extended his arm around me. I kept moving around, not letting him touch me.

"Stop! Harry, I don't want this..." I kicked around, still drying my tears on my hand. He pulled away slowly and held something in his hand.

"Rose.....I know this means something to you." He answered softly. When he opened his hand, a necklace with a heart in the middle was inside. I felt my neck, realizing he had taken it off.

"Not anymore Harry!" I protested, feeling the tears come faster. He pushed the necklace towards me, holding the heart between his forefinger and thumb. Just like he held mine....

He looked at the heart, and formed tears of his own. He wiped them away with his sleeve, leaving water marks on his hand. He laughed slightly, then shook the necklace in front of me; looking at me in the eye. I watched as his smile faded, revealing a curious look about him. He traced his hand over the chain and stopped.

"I thought I told you I'd always love you....." He began. I could feel the tears swelling up in my eyes as my heart crashed. I couldn't take this....I couldn't forgive him like that. He hurt me repeatedly, and all I did was call a repeat. He didn't even tell me he was leaving....how can I forgive him?

I stared at the necklace with insanity. "I can't forgive you Harry..." I said quietly. I felt regret as soon as the words left my mouth. I knew that I had made a mistake, but you know what, so did he. I tried to block the sadness that showed inside of me, but I couldn't. I couldn't pretend it didn't hurt. Because trust me, it did. It felt like everything I lived for to this day was worthless. Like all this pain and hurt was far more painful than almost dying in that car. He was my everything.....that turned to nothing.

He kept his eyes on me, not even bothering to stop the rush of tears. He looked at me once more, then turned his gaze to the floor. Without even looking up, he grabbed my hand and placed the necklace in the center.

"Forever......and always."

Harry's POV

"I can't forgive you Harry....."

I focused my eyes on hers and felt the tears begin to fall. All of a sudden my world had crashed. She didn't love me anymore. I kept my eyes on her, not daring to look away. It felt as if I could've been legally dead at that moment.....my heart was torn in two. I tried to say something, but my words vanished. I couldn't even think straight as I held the necklace in my hand. I wanted to tell her I loved her, and that I never stopped. I wanted to make her realize how much I cared, even after everything we've been through. I wanted her to be happy....

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