Girl Almighty

20 1 0

Rose's POV

After everything that has happened between me and Harry, I'm really starting to think I've fallen in love with him. And not just that sappy love story love or stalker psychotic love but genuine, do-anything-for-that-person love. Almost like a realistic fiction romance except it's not fiction.

It's totally real.

I still have a lot going on in my new binding life with him but at least I don't have to worry about him feeling different about me. I know he loves me more than anything and that he's almost shocked at the way I've changed him. He went from this insecure, frightened teen who was tricked and thought he was never going to get away to this amazingly happy person who fell in love and is over everything in his past life.

Well maybe not everything but most things. The things that have bothered him since the day he ever decided to be apart of their lives. Which that may or may not have helped him get over the issues in his family. I know it would've done that for me.

But none of it matters now that he has me. I know it's selfish to say but hasn't he told me that since the day we met?

Well a few days after we met but you get the idea.

Suddenly I was pulled into a cinema of memories back to the time we met.

I was almost lost in the gallery of thoughts cramming my head. It seemed like just yesterday I was sitting in the hospital, being greeted by my handsome stranger.

Who at the time, had no idea that he would be my true love.

I started to feel an empty space inside as I awaited his return. He has been gone for almost two hours but I wasn't about to bother him by calling. I didn't want to upset him now that we have our relationship back into controllable waters.

I sat down on the empty bed. Staring at the ceiling. I wanted to know where he was just so I knew he was OK when there was a knock on the door.

I immediately jumped at the sound, feeling my heartbeat race with excitement.

As soon as I got to the door, it opened. I watched as Harry pulled the keys out of the door, throwing them onto the couch.

"Hey! Why'd you knock?" I asked as I leapt into his arms. He carried me a few feet into the house before shutting the door behind him.

"I wanted to make sure you were still here when I got back." He replied, landing a kiss on my forehead.

I untangled my legs from around him. Walking into the kitchen. He followed behind me as he opened up the fridge.

"You hungry?" He asked. Not taking his eyes off the contents inside.

"A little......what time is it?"

I looked over at the time on the microwave. It was already 5.

"Well I can make dinner if you want?" He turned around slowly, closing the fridge door.

"That's fine."

He smiled before opening the fridge again. Pulling out ingredients. He carried them all in his arms, shoving them high against his chest close to his face. I giggled as he waddled to the countertop, moving his arms back in forth in a dancing motion.

I took a seat on the bar stool in front of the island as he prepared the meal. He looked like a professional cooking for me.

"Where'd you learn to cook?" I asked curiously.

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