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I felt the numbness slowly dissolve as I rushed out of the room.

I knew I had a reason for my instincts. I knew I had a right to be jealous. I just wish I wouldn't have been. It was hard to guide my way through the house as my vision became blurred with tears. My throat felt swollen and tight and my chest seemed to weigh a ton. Crushing my heart and soul.

With every step I took, I was more and more broken. I thought about that moment where he told me he didn't want to be without me......but obviously it was all a scheme to hurt me. Even though he would never want to purposely make me upset. I guess that was just a lie too.

As I got closer to the door, I heard my name being shouted from behind me. Echoing in the empty hallway. I didn't bother to turn around as I swung the front door open. Rushing into the cool night.

I totally forgot the fact that it was almost 1 in the morning. I couldn't just walk around the streets like this so early in the morning. I tried to find the car but it wouldn't matter since he had the keys.

Suddenly I felt two hands wrap around my hips.

"Rose! Stop!" His raspy voice demanded as I tried to wriggle free from his grip.

"Let go of me!! I don't have anything to say to you!"

"Well I do so let me explain!"

He turned me around so I was facing him. When I looked up into his eyes, I saw the redness in them. His green irises glossed over.

"No Harry! I can't believe you are actually trying to speak to me after what I just saw! Why would you do that to me? You think I like feeling torn in two?"

"Of course not! But guess what, neither do I. Just hear me out..."

"Really? Are you being serious right now? What are you trying to say its not what it looks like !?!?"

"No...well yeah...but its not like that. I swear to you I would never do something like that to you, you know that."

"Do I?"

"Yes! You do! I would've thought by now that you knew better than to think that."

"I would've thought by now that you wouldn't go behind my back and cheat on me with another girl!! "

"I know baby, but its not like that. I promise you....."

I didn't say anything. Because what is there to say? What else could it have been if it wasn't cheating?

"Rose...I love you. You know that better than anyone. I would never do anything like that to you to try to break you. I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me. She kept telling me that if I wanted her forgiveness I had to earn it....all of a sudden she was on my lap kissing me. I pulled away multiple times but it wasn't easy. She just continued to kiss me."

"Wow I wonder how long it took you to come up with that."

"I didn't make that up, Rose. It's true..."

"You're pathetic! I knew you still had feelings for her. It's not like I didn't see what happened."

He tangled his fingers into his hair, pacing around the front yard. I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear us yelling but honestly I didn't care. All I wanted to do was end whatever the hell my life has become because of this boy.

"I know what you saw!! I'm sorry for what it looked like but its not like that!! No matter how many times you say it is it isn't. What do I have to do to get you to see that?"

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