Hard memories, and trauma pt. 2

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Allen POV
I woke up, remembering I still had some stuff to move from my place to over here, so I start sitting up and stretching out. I look to my girlfriend and smiled. She was still asleep. I pet her head, her tail starting to lightly thump the bed. I just smile as I get up, walking out of my room. I walk out in the hall where I bump into Walter

Walter: "watch it"

Tox: "good to see you too Walt"

Walter: "whatever, I'm just going for the 3am special"

Tox: "a single slice of Kraft cheese folded in half?

Walter: "yeah, what's it too you?"

Tox: "isn't it like 8am?"

Walter: "nope, 6:30"

Tox: "huh"

Walter: "anyways, Im goin"

Tox: "Hey, wanna earn a few bucks?"

Walter: "How? Im not sucking your dick"

Tox: "What? Hell no, Im dating your mom, I was gonna ask you to help me grab some shit from my place that Ive yet to move here"

Walter: "how much is there?"

Tox: "like, 5-6 boxes worth"

Walter: intense thinking noises "sure"

Tox: "aight, come with me"

We go to my vehicle, a 1960s SS chevelle, and hop in.

Tox: "you cleaned your pants last night right?"

Walter: "I always do, why the hell wouldn't I?"

Tox: "I don't know, I just don't wanna have to retreat the leather because of something bizarre on your sweats"

Walter: "well, they're clean, don't worry your gas mask wearing welt leaving war veteran ass"

Tox: "that was one time!"

Walter: "yeah but it still hurt you fucker!"

I just roll my eyes and start driving. I get to my place. I'd locked the door when I "moved out," it's still legally my property but I've yet to rent it out to anyone or live there again, maybe I should rent the property out sometime? Whatever, I'll think about it. We walk inside after I unlock the door.

Walter: "nice place, why did you leave?"

Tox: "because V didn't want to move out"

Walter: "fair"

We go to my room and start packing stuff up. I walk into my closet, seeing my old dress blues, I decided to pack them, in case I decide I want to ever attend a formal event. I grab my visor cap, belt, and the leather strap that crosses the chest and loops the shoulder. I pack it all up and look as Walt looks at a old picture he'd found in a box on the top shelf of my closet, he's taller than I am so I'm just left looking up.

Walt: *wolf whistle* "she's a looker, wonder why she's with a guy wearing a bucket on his head"

I snatch it from his hand

Tox: "don't question my mother!"

Walter: "why is a picture of your mom hidden away?"

Tox: "don't question me you white and crimson colored dildo!"

I tuck the picture into my pocket, and get a step ladder and grab the box. I'd immediately took it to my car and stuffed it in my trunk, the memories starting to come back, being stolen from my home, from my parents, my brother, my baby sister, not having forgotten what likely happened to them. I just slammed my fist on the trunk of my car, trying to control the flood of anger and sadness over me. I'm not going to let Walt see me like this. I don't need him seeing me cry, I don't want anyone too really. I'm not supposed to be vulnerable, I got a shaft so I'm not supposed to be emotional. I clench my fist and just walk back inside, holding my breath, Walt just tilts his head as I return.

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