The Adventures of an Assassin (pt.2)

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Allen POV
I woke up the next morning with a yawn, thinking it was odd I didn't have any nightmares last night, typically they're even worse when I'm about to carry out a job for a customer, or a soon to be friend if our conversation was anything to go by, not that I mind, I need more friends. Anyways, I decided to get an early start on the job, gotta locate this bitch. I look at the mugshot he gave me and saw on the plaque she was named Paulette Astraston, fancy name for a criminal canine. I walk to my computer and do some research, very quickly learning where she's most commonly spotted at, the local bars and clubs of the town, looking for men and women to hook up with and steal from, and depending how insufferable they are, I'm guessing kill them. I decided to set up a sting, well more like a sniping spot and then kill her then. Or I could do like I used too in the black ops, set up an ambush for when she's least expecting it, what I'm saying here is I got options. I text that guy back, seeing what he wants done.

Tox: •hey, want any method of murder on her in particular?•

He responded fairly quickly, about five minutes.

Farrell: •yeah sorry, I was busy crying my eyes out, my girlfriend just getting killed by that geebag after all•

Tox: •oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense, you alright?•

Farrell: •not really lol, just trying not to blow my head off with a shotgun rn•

Tox: •O-O•

Farrell: •understandable reaction•

Tox: •we're going to get you a new gf•

Farrell: •don't trouble yourself with my rat ass, tho I think mom would like you•

Tox: •well I don't feel like competing•

Farrell: •oh you wouldn't, she's not very appealing to anyone outside the family or people that like milfs•

Tox: •okay this conversation went completely off the rails•

Farrell: •oh, right, sorry, my bad. Any murder method in particular? Hmmmm, not really, just make sure she's dead•

Tox: •out of context you sound like a mafia boss, lol•

Farrell: •lmao, not wrong, reminds me of that movie I was in that I was a mob boss, still got my outfit from it•

Tox: •okay completely random•

Farrell: •Sorry, my brain works like a pachinko machine sometimes•

Tox: •it good, tho I'd better go get this job done, where we meeting up to pay?•

Farrell: •my place tonight?•

Tox: •sounds good•

Farrell: •see ya then•

After that realization that he's not actually doing fine, I think about it, he didn't seem like he had mental issues, but then again I don't think anyone that actually has mental issues or are going through something difficult like to talk about it or bother people. I can agree with that to an extent. Either way, I got a freebie of a job, dealers choice on method. I decide on a simple headshot, peace of cake. I walk to my gun room, hundreds of guns, looking through them I decided I'd use the trusty AR 15. Reliable as the day is long. I head out on the job, sneaking to the bar she was most seen at, Bootleggers Bar, very shady place. As I get there I see her, but decide that maybe I should wait for her to leave, save a guy the trouble of getting robbed/murdered, she'll hurt no one else, not if I have something to say about it. I lay down in a bush around 500 feet away from the door and take aim, thinking it'd have been a good idea if I'd worn a gillie suit, like my sniper buddy back on Saber Tooth. I need to stop thinking back, it'll only cause me more anguish. I keep this position for several hours, till late afternoon, and see her walk out with what I'm assuming are her friends. I control my breathing, start focusing in, and slowly pull the trigger.

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