Chapter 27

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The 5 begun to put their plans into actions at the break of dawn the next day. The plan they had on the first day was simple; get information about the shooting from the survivors themselves.

Fae had spent an all nighter trying to get the location of the hospital where the Military had kept the survivors hidden from the eyes of the press and she found it in the end.

The girls walked out of their apartment house and got into the car Yvonne had stationed for them in front of the hostel before Adan could come out that morning so the shock they were going to get from seeing him live in the same building as them was going to have to wait for another day.

Mini was chosen this time to be the one in the Nurses' uniform and she knew it was a huge task she was going to have to accomplish because Blesse had made it a habit to now compare everything a member did to how Nada would have done it if she was alive.

Nada had played the role of a Nurse back when they were trying to get information on Swart and his family and she had succeeded without getting caught so Mini had to do an exceptionally good job.

She walked into the hospital room being directed by Fae and the girls who were at the rooftop of the hospital and made as if to check the IV drip which was being administered to one of the girls there.

While the patients weren't looking, she snuck a listening device behind the bed and walked out.

The occupants of the room she had just invaded were the survivors from the fragging incident and they were still outraged at what Lewis had done to them. But who wouldn't be?

They were almost killed and they lost a lot of their friends in the process.

"I'm going to get Lewis once I leave this place. I won't let her get away with this" Alex said.

"Me neither. She shattered my life and I'm going to get back at her for this" Evie said.

She had her leg hung up and was under the risk of it getting amputated.

"She was always acting all high and grand because her Mom's the Finance Minister of the country but what has that got to do with us? I'm sure she's crazy. She's insane" Alex said.

"Hey, won't you say something? Your sister shot at you and you aren't gonna curse at her?" Evie asked Debbie who lay in the bed besides hers.

"Hey, let's leave her out of this. It must be hard for her already" Neville said.

She was Miranda's sister and she had survived the shooting only because she was best friends with Lewis and it seemed like Lewis was biased with her shooting.

"Whatever" Alex hissed.

"Seriously guys, I think we need to give Lewis a chance to explain. I know her and I know she isn't a bad person. She was probably stressed out by the nagging you guys constantly handed her" Neville added.

"Stressed out? How the hell does stress make someone pick up a gun and shoot at her fellow comrades? How does that make any sense?" Evie asked.

"I know it wouldn't make any sense to you but to people like me who knew Lewis it would. I knew her and I know that she would have never wanted to kill anyone" Neville insisted.

"But she killed people" Debbie said and turned to Neville.

"Debbie" Neville made to call.

Alex walked up to Neville and pulled her by her hair then threw her against the edge of the bed. Her side made contact with it and she gave out a hushed whimper.

"You knew her? She wouldn't have killed anyone if we didn't stress her?" Alex said and began to kick her.

It was then Neville knew Alex wasn't hurt as she had pretended to be. She was just still sticking around for the compensation money the government was probably going to give them.

DARK WEAPON BOOK ONE: TIME OF BOMBING✔️Where stories live. Discover now