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Soulmates were a weird thing that was only in the fictional world. They had no room in being in the real world.

Being branded with what your other half would first say to you is odd, wouldn't you say?

Well in this universe, it is in fact normal.

No one had any clue how it became real, but it did. Your mark would start to show itself at the age of four. It would show itself as faded words and overtime, it would become fine print on your hand. It'd stay there until one of two things happen. You either meet your soulmate or your soulmate has died while you both haven't met each other.

The mark itself wasn't so big. It covered your left palm and depending on how many words, it could be small or big. Some of the phrases were simple. "Hey, could I borrow a pencil?" Others were a bit odd. "You're such an asshole, you know that?" And some were so weird that people would buy makeup or gloves just to cover them up. "Murder is legal in Yellowstone and I'm this close to taking you there just to kill you!"

That's why when Sir Reginald Hargreeves saw the words being inked into his children, he quickly made them wear gloves whenever they were outside.

Ah yes, Sir Reginald was a lot of things. He was an eccentric millionaire, adventurer, industrialist, inventor, and an olympic gold medalist. Prison Warden, if you asked the girl. He was known for a lot of things. Certain people knew of his secrets while others did not. That man was a whole mystery that no one really understood.

He was also the 'father' of seven children. Six if you ask the public.

They were known as the Umbrella Academy. Six children with superpowers made up into a crime fighting team. Wearing uniforms and masks, fighting criminals off and keeping New York safe. Each kid known not by names, but by numbers.

Number One - SpaceBoy. Super strength. He could throw you through the window with one hand and with the other, he'd fix his hair. The leader of the group. For brains or leadership skills, she couldn't tell you because she saw none. She also saw how he would look at Number Three and it would creep her out if she was being honest. Being attracted to your own sister? That didn't sit well with her stomach.

Number Two - The Kraken. Trajectory manipulation. His ability allowed him to curve the trajectory of whatever he throws. He usually throws his knives and he's never missed a shot. He hated being Number Two and always thought he deserved to be Number One. He would pick fights with Number One to try and show his dominance. She admired his want for justice, but found his need to be a leader annoying.

Number Three - The Rumor. Mind control. She was able to control anyone after saying, "I heard a rumor." She used her abilities selfishy throughout her youth. Using it on her siblings whenever they'd piss her off. Using it on her dad so she could get more things such as nail polish and CDs. Using it on other kids so she could have friends whenever her dad allowed them free time. She always made sure to steer clear of Number Three, her powers scared her and she never really liked the girl anyway. With the whole being attracted to your brother thing also found her moving away from her.

Number Four - The Seance. He was able to see the dead. That was all that was known about his powers since he drowned himself in drugs and alcohol before he could progress them. He didn't care, he was simply happy the ghosts couldn't bother him anymore. She thought he was good company whenever he arrived at her doorstep. She lost count on the amount of times she'd taken care of him. It soon became common to see him on her booth while she worked her shift.

Number Five - The Boy. He could jump through space and time. Wrapped in a blue light and hearing a whoosh whenever he spatial jumped. If he wasn't practicing his jumps, he was either soaking up knowledge in a science textbook or drinking coffee at a certain shop. He was a sarcastic little shit, and a certain someone was always ready to throw her creamer at the boy because of his attitude.

Number Six - The Horror. He was able to summon elitrich tentacles from his stomach. He hated his powers, but his father couldn't find it in himself to care. He was pushed to the limit until the fateful day he lost his life at sixteen years old. How did he die? Only the children who went on the mission knew and didn't dare utter a word about that horrid day. She mourned over him as she thought of him as a friend.

Number Seven - The White Violin. The ordinary child. She never had any powers, but was still kept at the academy. She was pushed away by her father and siblings when they were all younger and she found comfort in the violin. After moving out, she had published a scathing book about the truth of the Umbrella Academy. She had read the book and didn't appreciate that she wasn't mentioned at all. You'd think being one of their soulmates, she'd get an honorable mention, but no. What a shame.

Now who is this 'she' person I keep mentioning and why is she so important?

Well that's quite simple.

She is the main character in this book. The protagonist. The leading lady. The star of the story. The 'good' guy. Whatever you want to call her.

Er-actually, she'd appreciate you not calling her the good guy.


Because she isn't the good guy. She knows this for a fact. Good guys fight for what's right and work selflessly. They help others because it's the right thing to do. Helping the old lady cross the street. They sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Doing the best they can so everyone can have their happy ever after.

Not her though. She only looks out for herself. She has no need in forming bonds. She only cares for her well being and could care less if someone was in trouble next to her. All she would be concerned about is if it'll make her late for her shift.

That's why when a peculiar blond woman came in her shop asking if she'd like new employment to save her life from the end the world, she shook her hand without a second thought. And when she found her soulmate five feet away from her in her employment again, she was ready to throw the creamer at him again.

The world works on mysterious ways I suppose.

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