Chapter Nine

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(/) was ready for Five to jump into her store and chew out her ear about serving him his 'special coffee' and how to make it properly.

She had grown used to his yelling. They would get into screaming matches about random theories or equations. While having two brainiacs sounds like a good idea, they should've thought about how big each of their egos are. The amount of times (Y/N) would give a good smack on Five's head with her textbook disagreeing with him was insane.

What she wasn't ready for was for the new visitor who came attached to his hip.

She turns off the open sign and turned her back towards the door, going to make herself a hot chocolate. Then she hears the infamous whoosh. She continues making her drink when suddenly she hears a groan. She pauses. It was an unfamiliar groan.

She turns around and sees the girl from earlier crouching next to Five clutching her stomach. "Ugh, how do you do it Five? My stomach is about to split in half."

Five rolls his eyes then moves his hands to his pockets. "That happens the first time, gets better afterwards." He helps her up to her feet and looks at the girl staring at them with a mug in their hand. He places Vanya on a chair then grabs the mug from (/)'s hand. He takes a sip and cringes at the sweetness. "What's with you and sweet things?" The girl takes the mug from his hands then walks towards the counter. "What's with you and bitter things?"


The girl nods then takes a sip from her hot chocolate. "So are you going to introduce me or not?" She gestures to the girl on the chair trying not to throw up. Five looks over then sighs. "Right." He waves in her direction. "(/), Vanya." He then gestures to (/). "Vanya, this is (/). She is my soulmate."

(/) stares at his sister then pulls out the pills from her apron and hands them to her. "This will help with the pain, you have no idea how many times I've cleaned up puke from your brother." Five scoffs then crosses his arms. "Klaus, she's talking about Klaus."

Vanya smiles timidly at her and accepts the pills. The worker moves her hand behind her back then shows Vanya a water bottle. She looks at it confused but takes it. 'I was sure her hand was empty before. . .'

"So what brings the two of you here anyway? Your coffee from the afternoon wasn't enough?" Five clicks his teeth then crosses his arms. "You call that coffee? Half of it was just sugar!" The girl snorts and sits herself on a table next to Vanya. "I was broadening your tastes."

Five clicks his tongue then the girl looks at his sister. "So how'd you squeeze out the truth from blinky here? I know he has trust issues with your whole family of freaks, so how'd you find out?" She ducks in time to avoid Five's hand to her head.


The worker nods and counts on her fingers as she lists them. "You've got a boy who has the strength of ten apes, another who could compete against Robin Hood with his aim, a sister who could create an entire army of mind controlled zombies but instead crushes on her own brother, which is a can of worms we're not opening today."

Vanya heard Five snort behind her.

"Klaus can interact with the dead, but chooses to reject his powers by getting high due to trauma from training, and you have a brother with octopus tentacles coming out of his stomach. Freaks, as I said." (/) finishes her speech and picks at her nails. "So how'd you get him to tell you?"

Vanya looks away from the girl and rubs her hands. "Well I noticed he wasn't himself lately and asked him what was wrong." (Y/N) smiles fondly at the Hargreeves girl and plays with her hair. "Well aren't you just a sweet lil thing? All concerned for your brother even if he's an ass. She better be your favorite sibling, Blinky." Vanya laughs nervously as she moves (/)'s hand away from her head.

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