Chapter Six

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"So you and Ben thought that was a good idea?"

"Never said it was good, just that we did it."

Another day passed by in which Five snuck out of his house to pay a visit to the coffee girl. After hearing she shut down her shop for the week, he took the opportunity to visit her whenever he could.

While he was out patrolling the streets with Diego, he'd jump to her shop for a few minutes then jump back to his brother. Ignoring the knife that was thrown at him when he came back became routine.

Whenever Diego asked where he went to, he'd either insult Luther which made Diego forget his question or say he saw something shady and went to investigate.

Tonight was no different.

She poured him another cup of coffee and looked at him in shock. "Five, you poured salt into the gas tank. You destroyed it and I don't even know how you roped Ben into your scheme."

"It was Klaus' idea and I was the only one brave enough to do it!" (/) groans in pain, holding her head. She kicks his leg then points a finger at him.

"Don't yell, you know my head hurts from rearranging."


Two hours ago

Five ran out of his house and went over to the shop. When he got close to the place, he saw that the windows were boarded up. He jumped into the shop and saw (Y/N) reorganizing the shop head to toe. She turned around and saw Five standing in front of the door, looking around. He saw paintings, food items, chairs, everything in the shop. He looked away from the clear magic scene and takes a good look at the girl. Her hands were up in the air wrapped in a (F/C) glow. She was covered in sweat and looked as if she was going to pass out.

She let her hands fall then gave Five a big smile. Once her hands fell down, so did everything else. Five moved to the side and saw a chair drop to where he was standing. "Oh hey Five, how's it going?"

He scratches his head then smirks at the girl. "Oh you know, almost had a chair dropped on me, that wasn't part of the plan for today." The girl gestured towards the place. "Well if you don't want a chair dropped on you, don't jump in when it's cleaning time."

He points towards the boarded windows. "I assume this was your doing?" The girl moves the chairs to the side then sits on the counter. "Of course. I don't need any wandering eyes when I'm doing all this." She pulls out two candies from her apron then hands one to Five. He takes it and looks around the place. "So what brought this on?"

(Y/N) unwraps the sweet and pops it in her mouth. She lifts her hands and mounts the paintings on the wall. She looked at the paintings and rubs her chin. "I got really bored of how this place looked, so I decided to change it up." She looks at the paintings then takes them down, a faint glow covering each frame.

Five watches her stack the paintings and neatly place them near the door. He still can't get used to seeing her use her abilities. It's always been him and his siblings, nobody else. It still feels weird to even think about someone else having powers. And to learn that someone else is his soulmate. Feels a bit odd.

He puts the candy in his pocket then points towards the paintings. "Do you want me to take them outside?" The girl nods and he grabs them. He jumps out and throws out the paintings next to the trash can. Going back in the shop, he sees the girl making come coffee. She turns around and places down a cup. "Black coffee, just the way you like it."

After their small coffee break, Five helped the girl move things out the place while she used her powers to rearrange the shop.


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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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