Chapter Three

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Days had passed since her meeting with Number Five. It felt odd to call him by a number, but that's what he said to call him. (Y/N) found herself staring at the door whenever she wasn't busy, hoping a certain boy would walk in. Since their first meeting, she found herself thinking about him.

She saw her last customer from her lunch rush walk out and she wished him a nice day. She went over and cleaned up the table happy being alone. Lunch rush were no joke in her shop, so she's glad to get some alone time.

She looked back at the door and thought about Five again. Since their meeting, she couldn't help but ask questions of the strange boy.

Were his siblings like him? Why was he in the city so late at night? Does he wear that uniform in his sleep? Why was he such an asshole? Why did the world give her such an entitled asshole as a soulmate?

She wouldn't admit it to his face, but she was fascinated with his abilities to jump through space. Being able to go to one place to another in an instant sounded amazing. She could only thing of the side effects it had on his body. While she uses her powers, she would get migraines that would last for hours. That's why she always carried Tylenol with her. What effects would jumping through space give to a person?

She heard the bell chime from the door and cleared her head. "Welcome in!" She plastered on a fake smile and turned to the door only for it to get wiped off. She saw a tall man with a ski mask on his face and a gun in his hands. "Hands in the air, now!!"

She clicked her tongue in annoyance and checked her shop, making sure no one was inside. 'Well shit.' She lifted the counter and slowly walked out to the front of the counter. She got on her knees and raised her hands. While she could've stopped the man already, she felt exhausted from today's lunch rush. She decides to play along until it gets messy.

The man kept the gun pointed towards her as he went to cash register. He didn't pay mind as the girl twirled her finger around. Her powers made sure the register stayed shut.

He tried to open the register, but found it stuck. He kept pushing the button but it wouldn't open. He looked at the girl who was still facing towards the door. She bit her lips to keep herself from laughing. 'This is too funny.' He walked towards her back and poked the barrel of the gun at her head. "Hey, open the register or else your brain will decorate this place."

(Y/N) had to give props to the guy, he does not give up. Once his heart is set, he will see it to the end. She rolled her eyes and slowly got to her feet. She was mentally preparing herself from the headache she'll give herself when she throws him when suddenly she saw a flash of blue outside her window.

All of a sudden, she heard a whoosh and a grunt behind her. She turned around to see the man being pinned down by a boy with a mask over his eyes. She quickly recognized the boy and scoffs. 'He chooses now to show up?' The man tries to wiggle away, but Five's grip on him was firm. She grabs the gun from the floor then walks over to the landline. Uncocking the gun, she dials the police and places the the gun on the table. Five quickly knocked out the man and walked towards the girl. "How about a thanks for saving your li-" (Y/N) placed a finger on his lips, effectively shutting him up. Five felt his face heat up. From anger or embarrassment, he doesn't know just yet.

She heard someone pick up and she immediately started sobbing, making Five step back weary of the sudden change from the girl. "Yes, hello? My shop was being robbed, but one of the Umbrella kids saved me!" She looked over to Five then at the man. She waved her hand towards the man and his wallet came flying towards her. "Right now, he's knocked out on the floor, but we have his ID. His name is Edward Baldwin," She held the phone away from her face as she held back a laugh. 'His name is just hilarious. Bold and brave my ass.' Five looked at her weird then she placed the phone back to her face.

"We're at the Interstellar Coffee shop. It's on Wall street, yes thank you so much."

She placed the phone back where it was and she busted out laughing. She held onto the counter trying to catch her breath all while Five stood there confused.

Was he supposed to comfort her? Ask if she's alright? Why is she laughing after facing her near death? What is his role here?

(Y/N) smiled then clapped her hands. "Alright, I've got some rope around here. Let's tie him up and the police will be here soon." She moved away from Five and went to the back, looking for rope. The boy made sure the man wouldn't wake up while waiting for the girl. 'Allison should take acting lessons from her.'

She is just a bucket of mysteries and they keep adding up.

"So you gonna tell me about your performance, Ms.Hollywood?" The girl came back with rope in her hands and handed him a piece. "Oh, well let's just say this isn't the first robbery that's happened." She pulled the rope around his hands and continued. "I usually throw them against the wall before anything crazy happens. When people are around, I just hope for the best that no one sees me knocking them out."

Five watched as she tied his hands together while he finishes tying his legs. "How could no one see you knock them out?" (Y/N) clicked her tongue and waves her arms around. "With my powers, I thought you were the smart one." Five pulled on the ropes hard, trying to dissipate his anger. "Shut up, I am the smart one."

"Yeah and I'm the millionaire's kid."

He motioned towards the shop then the guy. "At least I'm smart enough to not run a coffee shop as a 12 year old, what would your parents think?" He stopped talking then thought about it. "Wait, where are your parents? I don't think they'd approve of their kid running this place as late as three in the morning."

"They're dead."

Five looked at the girl and saw a blank expression on her face. Her sarcastic smile and witty humor gone in that moment. He felt a pang of pity for the girl. His mother didn't want him and while Reginald wasn't a great Father figure, at least he is there.

Five put his hand on her shoulder making her turn towards him. "I'm sorry, how did it happen?" (Y/N) felt her eyes tear up as she remembered. "It was a-"

And just as she was about to explain, the door opened and multiple police officers came in.

In that moment, Five knew that this was the start of his hatred for law enforcement.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter ! How are you guys enjoying the book so far ? Anything you like ? Or hate ? Let me hear your thoughts ! Vote, comment, etc etc etc. <333

QOTD - From the Umbrella Academy, which power would you like to use?

I think I would want Ben's powers. The amount of party tricks I could do as well as scare so many kids sounds really fun. :)

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