Chapter Five

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"Say, how are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your super family?" Five waved her off and grabbed the croissant she gave him. "I was with my brother making sure the area wasn't in danger. I ditched him like four blocks down."

(Y/N) quirked a brow. "Which brother?"


The girl deadpanned at him. "I'm sorry your cockiness, but you're going to have to be specific here. I only know your numbers, not names." She leaned in her chair and mumbled something under her breath. "Right, he's Number Four." (Y/N) nodded and looked out the window. She saw someone looking at Five then at her, his outfit very similar to the one the boy in front of her wearing. In fact, it was the same. "Uh, Five?"

He looked at her while taking a bite out of his croissant. "Yes?"

"Your brother, the one you ditched. He's about your height and with black hair, right? Has bags underneath his eyes? With the uniform?" Five put down his snack and looked at her weirdly. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Because he's coming our way." Five turned around and saw his brother running towards the shop's doors. "Shit!" He didn't want any of his siblings to meet (Y/N) yet. While they were on somewhat talking terms, she didn't seem to be fond of their 'situation.' Pulling out the soulmate card was useless because she didn't even seem to care about that. If she met his family, he could only imagine what she would say. And Klaus of all people, he may as well kiss his chance with her goodbye.

He gulped down the rest of his coffee, ignoring the burning sensation in his throat and turned back to (Y/N). "Sorry to cut this short, but I've gotta go." The girl only looked at him amused. "No, really? I never would've thought."

Five grabbed his blazer and tried to rush out the shop, but then the door came crashing onto his face. 'Damn it!' He grabbed at his face and looked at the door. In came in his brother and he looked pissed. 'Well shit.' He pushes a finger to Five's chest and kept hitting it over and over, harder each time. "I have searched for over an hour for you to find you in here enjoying a date with. . ." He looks over Five's shoulder and saw (Y/N) smiling at him.

His anger vanishes then he pushes his brother out the way and grabs (Y/N)'s hand in his. "Who might this ray of sunshine be?" (Y/N) laughed and pointed towards herself. "I'm (Y/N). I can assume you're Klaus?"

Klaus nodded then placed a kiss on her hand. "You assume correct, milady. May I say, I admire your patience with my dear brother. I know he a difficult person to converse with." Five grabs Klaus' ear and drags him away from his soulmate. "Stop saying things that aren't true!"

(Y/N) went over towards Klaus and wraps her arm around his shoulders. "I don't know, I have yet to hear a lie from dear old Klausie here." Five looked at the two annoyed while they laugh at him. He was ready to believe in some sort of higher being of power just to take him out of this situation.

Klaus pulls away from (Y/N) then points towards the two. "So how long have you known each other? I honestly didn't think Five would have a secret Miss."

Five's ears started turning red while (Y/N) shrugged. "I've only spent less than a day with him."

Klaus looks at them in shock. "So this is recent then?" He patted his brother's back and gave him a teasing grin. "Congrats buddy, didn't think you could make it happen so soon! So who said I love you first?"

(Y/N) entertained whatever questions Klaus had and soon, the three of them settled in the cafe. Five wasn't expecting her to warm up to his brother so quickly, but at the same time Klaus was the most sociable one out of his family. He'd never say it to Klaus, but he was a bit glad he came because she seemed more social with him around. He felt conflicted emotions whenever she'd answer whatever personal questions Klaus asked of her. He was happy to hear her responses, but he had asked the same things and would somehow find the conversation looped back about him. He bottles up his emotions and watches the two.

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