Chapter Eight

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( A/N - Will be Using Vanya as Viktor comes out in season three and I want to have his coming out scene. Thanks for understanding. <3 )

It's a been a few weeks since their first meeting, and Five made it a mission to never let his other siblings meet (Y/N). While some may call him selfish, he thought it was for the best. He got lucky that she found Klaus somewhat tolerable, but he didn't want to try to risk it with his other siblings.

He already knew that Luther and Diego would tease him once they knew. Especially Luther. Five would always tease him about how clueless he is at love. Allison would tell the boys to stop fighting, but Diego would bring up how her mark never showed up, meaning her soulmate doesn't exist or is dead. What they didn't know at the time was that she would meet her soulmate in the far future, or past I suppose.

But that won't be mentioned for at least another twenty years or so.

Five would always make fun of Luther for wanting to date his sister. In fact, everyone did. But now if Luther had the chance to meet Five's soulmate, he'd be screwed. He's sure that his brother has a good amount of blackmail on him and he didn't want to find out how much.

So he would always do his best to sneak away whenever he got the chance. Whenever everyone was asleep, he'd lock his door and escape back to the same coffee shop on Wall Street. Some visits were long while others were short. He'd sometimes bring Klaus with him and they all would have a grand old time.

Five remembers how one time, he stole a stack of hundreds from his Dad's office one night and handed it to (Y/N). Her face was priceless.


"Here, this should cover my bill for a while." Five held out the money as if it was candy. (Y/N) stared at the money with wide eyes and looked back at the boy.

"I know you're rich, but isn't this a bit overkill? Holy shit. . ." She grabbed the money and started counting it out. "This is over five grand! Are you actually insane?!" She laughs nervously and shoved the money back in his hands. "I don't need this much money, I was joking about the whole paying me back thing."

He holds her hand and opens it up. He puts the money back in her hand. "Well I wasn't joking when I said I'd pay you back. And the rest is for future visits." He gently closes her hand around the money, showing it was her's.

(Y/N) looked at the boy as if he gave her water after a sand storm passed over her shop for a month. She accepted the money then gave the boy a hug. Five froze, not understanding her actions. "Thank you Five, this means a lot to me."

He awkwardly patted her back, feeling his face go warm. "Yeah, no problem." He looked around the room then towards the girl. "So, does this mean I'm not an asshole anymore?"

(Y/N) laughs and lets go of him. She stares at him for a moment then goes over to the coffee machine. "Let me make you some coffee."

"Wait, you didn't answer my question!"


Five was confused at first with her reaction to certain things. When she would hug him at first, he thought she was trying to tackle him down so he'd tried to flip her over. He still feels the bump on his head when she screamed bloody murder at him.

He learned a lot throughout his visits to her shop, but there were certain things that remained a mystery to him.

One thing he never told (Y/N) was that he kept a notebook on her under his bed. He'd write in it after every visit and he'd make sure to to never leave a detail out. He didn't want to forget a single thing about their interactions.

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