Chapter Two

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Five thought he was prepared for many things and he had his dad to thank for that.

He was taught how to react at a moment's notice whenever he was in danger. He learned how to ball room dance after his dad made them take lessons. He was taught multiple languages in case he ever ran into a problem of not being able to communicate with someone. He was taught how to diffuse a situation before it can get out of hand. He went through harsh training to master his abilities to jump through space. He learned for to disarm a man of his weapon.

But none of it was helpful in this situation.

He sat at a booth with his cup of coffee staring at the girl who was twenty feet away from him, cleaning the glass display. Her eyes avoiding him, acting as if he didn't exist. She had a pair of wired headphones connected to her MP3 player. One covering her ear and the other resting on the side of her head.

This was his soulmate? A girl working at a coffee shop whose attitude could be knocked down a few notches. This can't be real. The universe must be playing a prank on him.

Ignoring her obvious pulchritude, he can't help but feel irked at her blatant disrespect to him.

He took another sip of his coffee then gently placed it on its plate. He had to admit, she made great coffee. "So, are we going to talk about what happened or what?"

The girl ignored him and grabbed a broom from the side then started sweeping. Five felt his eye twitch at her lack of care. "Turns out you're my soulmate, we should discuss this." The girl stopped sweeping at his words then continued. Her body facing away from him asked, "What's there to talk about?"

Five was honestly ready to throw his book at her. "So you can speak words other than threatening people, good to know." He takes another sip and watched the girl pause her music. "Well considering how you were acting like an ass to me and still are, my actions are justified." The boy scoffed then scowls at her. "How am I the ass?"

The girl turned around and pointed the broom at him, the stick pointed at him. "First, you see an unarmed girl laying on the floor confused and clearly tired and you don't help her?" She smacks him the broomstick, hard. "Ow!" Five moves the stick away and rubs his head.

"Second, didn't your father teach you it's rude to stare at a young lady? And how much have you been doing that since you came in? I know I'm pretty, but chill out." Five's eyes narrowed as he glared at the girl but she glared right back, not feeling intimidated by him.

"Third, when ordering food, you wait for the worker to ask what'd you like and ask politely to said worker. Not only did you not wait, you demanded your order as if you're the Queen of England. Are you the Queen of England? If so, then you've got to tell me what your secret is for smooth skin." She places the broom back down and shoves her hand in her pocket. She quickly takes it out the  opens her hand. Five had no time to see what it was as she blows out to her hand. Then all of a sudden, his face was covered with a white powder.

The boy unintentionally took a deep breath and felt his nose itch. "And finally. . ." He looks up at the girl staring back with bored eyes. He couldn't hold it back. He sneezed hard and felt himself jump from the booth to behind the girl. He rubs his nose and sees the girl slowly turn around, not surprised at his power. ". . . you are part of that super power family. If you didn't have an inflated ego, I'd be surprised." She leans in close to him and waves her hand around his face.

All of a sudden, the white powder lifted off his face and stayed floating in the air. He watches as the girl twirls her finger around and the white powder swirl back into her pocket. "By the way, that was flour, nothing dangerous for your immune system." He looks at her pocket then at her, questions forming in his head but his mouth not working. The girl watched as his face changes from anger to confusion to perhaps awe. She couldn't help but smirk. "Aw, did I make The Number Five speechless? Now isn't that cute." She patted his cheek then turned away from him, sweeping the trash that fell around the table.

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