Chapter Four

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(Y/N) shrugged off Five's hand as officers piled in her shop. Five made sure his mask covered his eyes correctly while (Y/N) started crying her eyes out. He was still weirded out on how fast she can change her emotions. 'Seriously, Allison could learn a thing or two from her.'

"Ma'am, are you alright?" The officers surrounded the man and dragged him out the shop. (Y/N) wordlessly nodded. Five got up and offered his arm which she accepted. "I'm okay, just a little scared." The officer gave her a small smile then gestured towards the booth. The three of them sat down, the children on one side and the adult on the other. "Well that's understandable, you were such a brave girl calling us to help."

Five held in a laugh and looked at the officer. He didn't even do anything, Five was the one to help her. He took out the bad guy, all he did was respond to a call. If (Y/N) didn't call, Five was certain they wouldn't have gotten involved. They probably would've been eating donuts at the station. "Well I have a few questions for you if that's alright, Miss."

(Y/N) nodded and held onto Five. "That's fine."

The officer grabbed his notepad and clicked his pen. "So what exactly happened here?"

The girl took a deep breath and started her story. "Well my last customer walked out and I was organizing the shop. The door opened up and I saw the man pointing a gun at me, screaming to put my hands in the air. . ." She held back her tears and grabbed a napkin from her apron, patting her eyes. Five was questioning what else she has in that thing.

"I got on the ground and he went to the register, but couldn't get it to open. He yelled at me to open it or else he'd shoot me!" She let her tears fall and pushed her face into Five's chest. He was surprised at her acting and slowly patted her head, trying to 'comfort' the girl. The officer stopped writing and gently took her hand. "It's alright sweetie, take your time. The bad man is away and he won't hurt you."

Five could hear (Y/N) sobbing in his chest, but it sounded happy? He looked down and saw she moved her face away from the officer and she was laughing with tears in her eyes. She was trying to stay sad, but she couldn't help it. That man was saying that as if she was defenseless. 'If only he knew.'

Five looked towards the officer and cleared his throat, making the man look at him. "I can continue the story from here. I was patrolling the area and when I passed by the shop, I saw her getting up with a gun pointed at her head. I jumped in and knocked him unconscious. I asked if she had anything to tie him up with and I used the rope she provided me with and I proceeded to tie him up. I was comforting her until you showed up and that brings up to here." The officer nodded and finished up his writing.

"I see. Miss, is there anyone we can call so they could pick you up?"

The girl shook her head and pulled away from Five. He wouldn't dare say it aloud, but he already missed her warmth. He blamed it on being soulmates with the strange girl.

"No Sir, my parents are on a trip in Oklahoma. I will call them later today and explain what happened." Five kept his face calm while she seamlessly lied to the cop.

"I understand, but is there somewhere you could stay at? You shouldn't be here by yourself after what happened." She looked at the man and sadly smiled. "I'll be alright Sir. I'll be closing the shop early and heading home soon. I've got some school work to finish up on."

The Officer nodded and stood up. "Would you like me to escort you, Ma'am?"

Five cut in before (Y/N) spoke. "I could take her home Sir, if that's alright."

The man looked at the boy sceptically. While he is part of that super kid group, it didn't sit right with him letting two kids go alone. But this was Number Five, being able to travel through space. They'd make it to her house in a jiffy.

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