Chapter One

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Five was a lot of things and he knew that.

He was talented, that was a given. Being able to harness his power at the age of one, accidently jumping himself from his crib to the dresser from sneezing. Grace was constantly dusting the mansion so the boy wouldn't have a sneezing fit. Finding a toddler in the mansion was difficult whenever he would use his powers.

He was intelligent for his age. While his siblings were reading James and the giant peach, he was reading about Darwin's theory of evolution.

He always found science interesting. Using equations and experiments on how things work around the world was so fascinating to him. It would also involve using math and he loved doing math. Whenever Pogo would go over a hard topic during lessons, Five would open the door to his siblings begging for him to help them.

He was very cocky in his abilities. That would be understandable. His father would pit him and his siblings against each other, trying to see who would come out on top. Five would always win those battles, and that didn't help with his inflated ego. He would see his siblings as beneath him, weaker than him. And that was true, at least in his eyes.

He found it easy to keep his emotions in check. He never wore his heart on his sleeves, like his siblings. He found them unnecessary. They weren't needed for missions. He didn't need to feel fear whenever a gun was pointed at him. He can use his powers to get away. He didn't need to feel annoyed whenever Klaus would try to drag him into his pointless pranks against his siblings. Klaus was annoying in general. He was able to hide his feelings very well that his siblings were convinced he was like their mother. Only made of codes and metal. He did care for his siblings, but had an odd way of showing it.

Only if they knew how wrong they were until it was too late.

But it's too soon to talk about that yet.

One thing that Five found himself doing a lot was staring at his hand. His left hand, to be specific. 'Watch how you talk to me, or else I'll pour this creamer down your throat.' A threat. His soulmate was going to threaten him once they meet. He didn't like how much time he would spend thinking about it, but he couldn't help it. His soulmate. His soulmate. His one in a billion. They were made for each other and he'd wanted to figure out his soulmate.

He tried to research on soulmates, but found his actions to be fruitless. Soulmates were something not a lot of people wanted scientific answers for. People were simply happy with calling it fate and moving on with their lives. But it couldn't be fate. With fate, that would mean you'd have to leave it out of your hands. It would have to be chance. There would be no room to conduct research on it. Five hated reading each website and finding nothing useful in his research.

The only thing he knew to be a fact was that soulmate markings started appearing in 1959. He tried to figure out the significance of that year, but he found nothing that could correlate to soulmates.

One night, he found himself laying in bed at one in the morning. he kept staring at his new umbrella tattoo. It laid under his palm and it was still red from it being fresh. He remembered how he dug his nails in his right hand to keep himself from squirming around. He refused to give his dad the satisfaction of seeing him in pain. He kept his eyes on the old man the whole time, willing himself to not cry. The old man only stared back, not caring for the tears or sobs that could be heard from his other children.

Five blinked back the tears from remembering that day and decided he needed to do something. He didn't feel tired and knew he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. He got up and grabbed a few of his textbooks and notebooks. He opened them up and started on his studies on biochemistry.

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