Chapter Seven

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Ring ring ring. . .

(Y/N) groans in her sleeping bag, ignoring whatever noise she's hearing. 'It's just my imagination.'

Ring ring ring. . .

'Maybe it's not my imagination.' She sits up from her bag and looks at her clock showing it was eight in the morning. She rubs her eyes and prays for whatever being exists to give her patience today.

She focuses on the ringing and realizes it's her bell from her store. 'I thought I placed that closed sign last night?'

She gets out of her bag and readies herself for the day. She brushes her hair and makes it into a ponytail. Changing into her casual clothes, she wiggles herself out of the hole and finds the culprit staring at her.

"Klaus, what're you doing here?"

The boy just leans on the counter and smiles at the girl. "Good morning to you too, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) rubs her eyes and walks over to the counter. "Good morning Klaus, now why are you here? Didn't you read the sign?"

The boy nods then plays with his hands. "I did, but I wanted to hang out and this was the only time I was free." The girl sighs then grabs two cups and some orange juice. Going over the counter, she waves her hand and the chair comes off the table and onto the floor.

She sits at the booth then places the cups down. Klaus playfully marches over and watches (Y/N) pour the juice into both cups. He grabs one and she grabs the other. They clonk their cups then take a sip.

(Y/N) covers her mouth as she yawns. "So what brings you here on this lovely morning, Klaus?"

The boy sets his cup on the table and avoids (Y/N)'s piercing gaze. He makes a mental note to bring a peace offering in the morning to appease her anger.

"Dad was gonna make us use our powers today and I didn't want to do that, so I thought I'd come here instead." The girl stops glaring and looks at the boy sadly. "Oh Klaus. . ."

She feels bad for being rude to him earlier. She knows how scary his powers are. She leans forward and places her hand in his. Klaus looks at her and she gives him a grin. "I'm sorry for being rude, I told you you can come whenever you needed to and you did that. I'm glad you came over here."

Klaus jokingly scoffs then sips on his juice. "Yeah, well it's either here or the box full of ghosts. It's an easy choice to pick."

(Y/N) chuckles and grabs Klaus a chocolate donut. "Here you go." He thanks her and quickly shovels it down.

"So what do you feel like doing while you're here?"

He looks around then at the hole (Y/N) climbed out of. He wipes his hands on his jacket then points towards the hole. "I feel like exploring that would be fun to do." The strange girl looks to where he's pointing then moves the coffee beans I'm front of it. "No can do Klaus, that's my secret place."

He pouts then starts whining. Leaning forward on the table, he pushes his hands together and begs her. "Oh please dearest (Y/N)! We could trade or I can summon someone for you or you can ask me anything or or anything else!"

The girl watches him as he babbles on. Once he quieted down, she gets up from her chair and stares down at the boy. "You really wanna see that room?"

He nods so fast, (Y/N) was worried his head would pop clean off his body. She sighs and moves the coffee beans. Standing next to the hole, she gestured to the hole, inviting him in.

Klaus gets off the table and gets behind the counter. "You're the best darling! I'll tell you something about Five as a bit of a trade!"

He leans close to her ear and whispers something. (Y/N)'s pulls away then looks at him slightly grossed out. "Really?"

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