ii. Strange

214 6 0

512 bitches

eunjin 🐻‍❄️
nah im never taking an 8:30 class ever in my fuckjng life
im dropping this class

horang 🐯
What class is it?

eunjin 🐻‍❄️

soyeon 🦊
seems like you had that one comin

eunjin 🐻‍❄️
i hope ur headache gets worse 😘

horang 🐯
I'm in the dorm right now and our neighbors wrote on our part of the chalkboard
Should I say something

soyeon 🦊
no omg our neighbors are scary

eunjin 🐻‍❄️
girl no give them a piece of ur scientific mind
tell them newton's laws and how they're breaking them

horang 🐯
It's a miracle you got accepted into university

soyeon 🦊
btw if you go to the coffee shop at the new library don't get a white mocha
tastes like ass

eunjin 🐻‍❄️
when's ur next class

soyeon 🦊
in like ten mins im about to go

eunjin 🐻‍❄️
have fun sweetie
make sure ur back in time to continue our marvel movie marathon

horang 🐯
I'm gonna have too much homework 😭

SOYEON'S LEG BOUNCED anxiously as she sat in her second class of the day, in quite a big lecture hall toward the back, where she began to regret considering most students had begun to sit around her. To be fair, this class delved in a subject she had no prior experience in, so having a friend would be nice. As long as a friendly-looking girl sat down beside her, she would be fine.

Her mind spaced out as she stared at her white desk, the voices of the students chatting around her reminding her of the one voice that tended to be on her mind—the boy from the bar. She knew it was fruitless to be hung up on such ephemeral events and people, but there was something about that mysterious boy that even showed up in her dreams the night before.

Still, she couldn't put a face to him, his features blurry and untraceable, much to her chagrin. Yet, even if she did know the identity of this mystery boy, what would she even say? 'I love your voice and therefore I love you'? Soyeon almost laughed to herself. Hopefully that would never happen.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the chair on her left squeak under the weight of something—someone, and she took a quick glance to see the new person—and possibly new friend—beside her. However, she was met with the sight of a boy, his attire drenched entirely in black, his shoes black, his joggers black, his t-shirt black, his bucket hat black—she gulped.

Even further, the t-shirt he wore was short sleeved. Like a mad man he wore a short sleeve in the early autumn weather that definitely was not hot, but more importantly, it revealed the entire array of tattoos he had displayed on his right arm, painted completely in ink.

Then, it was the amount of piercings on his face—God, was that a lip ring? Did people still have those unironically anymore? And the earrings, how exotically shiny and dangly they were!

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